Fresh Scent

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Location: Lotus Pier

As a sect that is half submerged in water with a structure that represents it's beauty of being surrounded by large lotus lakes that is abundant in beauty and nature...

Many people were at much ease as the normal hustle and bustle in the docks were loud and lively...

Many people would come and go kids playing and running around some swimming some helping....

Elderly sat on the sides as they watched the scene with a fond smile, people were at peace and there was no conflict with them...

A normal day in the docks of the beautiful lotus pier surrounded by water and their significant symbol the lotus flower that came in different sizes and colors...

This beauty is one of the main sects in the cultivation world that coexist with other sects throughout the map...

It is lead by a known family that protects it and guards it....also known as the Jiang Family...

They were nice people as some would say, though a wise man knows no better than to judge a book by it's cover...

Within the walls and curtains of the main building is were the family resides, they were mostly open yet strict as well...

The head and Lotus Pier's Patriarch who was none other than a kind man in the name of Jiang Fengmian, known as a calm headed leader that strives with great purpose and kind gestures...

(As they say behind every famous man is a powerful woman...)

The powerful and feared Matriarch of the Jiang Family and known as the infamous Madam Yu also known as
Yu Ziyuan a fierce woman known for her dominating aura and unyielding strength that struck fear in many peoples heart  earning her name as the Violet Spider.

(Envy, an emotion that clouds your judgement...)

The first and only daughter and lady of the Jiang family is a sweet hearted and gentle soul known as the Lady Jiang Yanli, a bright beauty and the bloom of lotus pier. Many believed her to be weak but she's much stronger than anyone thinks she is.

(Looks can be deceiving after all...)

The youngest of the Jiang Family and the heir to the Jiang Clan Sect known as Jiang Cheng courtesy Jiang Wanyin a boy with conflicting personalities driven by pressures and expectations. A boy known for being caged in his own pride...

(Pressure and pride that strains the mind...)

Most people, mostly elderlies knew of the true nature of the family and can only have and pray in solemn that the family reunites as with the strain on the family's relationship it is driving the peaceful sect apart that makes it vulnerable if others should even caught wind of the news...

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