The Decision (Part 3)

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Traveling to lotus pier was nothing short of relaxing filled with excitement and a sense of thrill...

They all rode the boats that was strirred by Jiang disciples...

Upon seeing lotus pier from afar they couldn't help but be agape and stare in awe at the beautiful building Infront if them that grew more gorgeous as they approached...

Once the boats were all tied up in the docks the Jiang disciples lead them through the town on the path to the main building...

They couldn't help but look around in awe as they all saw how people were smiling and going about their day...

How the disciples greeted the common folk and received the same sentiment...

They were all greeted by the people of yunmeng with bright smiles...

There were many kids that were playing all around and the adults were selling some produce and trinkets with lut lanterns all over the place...

They finally reached the gates that leader them to the outer pavilion where the saw the most beautiful and bountiful lotus flowers there is as they shined under the sun and swayed with the breeze...

The pond water had no problem reflecting the beauty of the flowers making it all the more breathtaking...

They saw the center pavilion that looked like a training ground and picnic ground in the shape of a lotus flower where there was a beautiful fountain in the middle lit up by candles in placed where they wouldn't get wet...

They finally arrived at the steps that rose to the main building where the disciples all bowed to the females that stood a top...

More precisely the lady Jiang Yanli herself in all her grace and beauty as many beautiful servants stood besides her...

The disciples all gave a bow towards her

"Jiang-Jie we disciple greets you."

They all chorused and stood up at the same time...

This surprised the guests as the disciples had addressed a member from the main family in a more formal way...

Jiang Yanli bowed along with all the servants besides her as well and with a smile she talked to them...

"It is a relief to see you all okay after your trip. And for our guests I greet you, I as you know am First Lady Jiang Yanli of the Jiang Family."

She said with her soft bell like voice that spread an aura of home through all of them...

Especially a little someone that was clad in golden robes...

"You can all rest up now, the servants would be the one to assist our guests into their quarters. And don't forget to greet your shixiong's alright?"

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