A new beginning

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In a barren land covered in darkness,
Was once light that lives amidst...

Filled with souls of yin and yang,
Not clashing yet living...

Until greed made it's sin known,
Power being fought for, in riches would they drown...

And as the scale had tipped,
War was on the horizon...

And amidst the battle,
Many had rose, many had fallen...

Evil was advancing,
Words sweet yet deceiving...

He whom fought for what is right,
Was wronged and accused...

Innocents were not spared,
In a world depriving of love and care...

In the end he dawned upon the eyes that looked at him with hatred...

And he smiled tiredly,
As he took his last breath....

The world celebrated,
Unaware of the consequences...

In pure rage,
The world turned on the living as it revived the dead...

Not a single soul was left,
Once, lands so neat and fresh now barren and unkept...

There was no sign of life,
In the grounds of blood and death...

Yet amidst it all was a small pod,
It stood proud and ready against all odds...

And as it bloomed it's petals divine,
With all colors in harmony it glowed and shined...

With the miracle,
The world was reborn...


"Hello there..."

The man said with a warm smile

He was met with silence and innocence of those silver eyes...

And like the sound of chiming bells so young, so pure,....

The little one answered with a subtle smile...



Hi to those reading this....I'm sorry if there was any mistakes as I am new and this is the first fanfic that I ever wrote....

Thank you for reading by the way...

Have a lovely day❤️

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