The Jeweled Flowers of Yunmeng (Part 3)

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After the ceremony and after spending their first week there, everyone could safely say that lotus pier gave them the ease and comfort feeling that all of them needed...

They all mostly expected that once the sect leaders and extra guests left they would start their lectures that seemed to drag on as so they've experienced in their other classes in GusuLan sect...

What caught them completely of guard is that the way if teaching in yunmeng and gusu indeed have a far and huge gap...

Though not as strictly disciplined as the Lan's along with the 3000 rules that would melt their brains at their first lecture as it would be read to them only for them all to end up sleeping...

In lotus pier the lectures were quite active making sure to not only test ones knowledge but also their reflexes and stamina all under the first week!...

Oh what a change it is for most of them, but all in all they were not complaining...

If anything it was a great change that helped them challenge and hone their instincts...

As a sect building that is almost closely tied to nature itself and lives side by side with it, they have come to learn that nature was both your friend and enemy...

They could all attest that this was indeed true...

And that was all within the first week of their lectures there!...

Who would have thought that they would come to enjoy the Jiang's ways of standing and living by nature with respect...

They were always comforted in lotus pier, but the lectures were not confined into inside the building's range only...

After the first week was done they were all surprised at how much sharper their instincts had become to the point that they may distinguish different sounds based on the tone of breathing and the emotions that flew with it while blindfolded...

At the throne room they all saw the Jiang sect leader that stood a top of the deus with a warm smile on his face...

"You all seemed to have had fun."

The sect leader said with a happy chuckle and even if some tried to deny it...

Some outwardly showed their joy with bright smiles...

And only a hands fingers count was those whom thought otherwise...

The sect leaders gaze fell upon them, inspecting them making them stiff a little from the sudden attention and gaze as they tried not to show their panic and discomfort...

Then the sect leader suddenly smiled at them...

"No need to feel tensed, I did not mean to startle you all like that."

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