Moving Forward

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The shepherd was bed bound, and out cold he had IVs connected to his wrist and a ventilator tube down his throat breathing for him. This police pup was very lucky to be alive and Marshall hung his head and whimpered softly. This was a lot for the fire pup to handle as he kept looking over his mate, Chases monitor beeps 76...85...97...110 beats per minute. Marshall stood up and walked over and pulled up a chair to be along side his mate, he held his paw and his beats per minute increased again as if the police pup was aware of his mates presence. "You're our leader now, I promise to do everything right by you- I promise to be the best mate for you. Chase chase I love you." Marshall saying this caused chases heart rate to increase further, chases paw grips onto Marshall's as Chase weakly coughed his eyes open as he looked at Marshall and smiled through the tube in his throat. Chase not saying anything but just holding onto his mates paw.

The doctor walks into the room as he holds up chases stay history and he walks up to Marshall "it's lucky Chase is with us right now, he really could've died and for a brief few minutes he did. Chase flatlined but we were able to stabilize him and stop the internal bleeding. Also you must be Marshall right?"
The Dalmatian shook his head "yes" and spoke "I am, will Chase be alright?" The doctor nods "yes, he will be. He just needs lots of rest and no physical activity for at least a week. He has stitches that could pop if he gets physical. So bed rest for this pup." Marshall nods and gives chases paw a kiss before looking up at the doctor. "I'll make sure he's well rested and taken care of...I promise Chase." The doctor nods and writes down chases current stats and walks out of the room, Chase was out again and his grip weakened on Marshall's paw.


Rocky welcomes in Mr. Porter and Katie as they both looked like they've been crying. Presumably from Ryders passing, Rocky offers both Mr. Porter and Katie paper towels to dry their faces. He leads them into the elevator and they all go up to the top level of the lookout, Skye was busy with the eulogy speech for her leader's funeral as Rocky, Katie and Mr. Porter stepped out. Skye was typing up the speech on her personal computer as the slideshow from Marshall was still pulled up on the large computer screen. Photos of Ryder with all the pups both in a group and individually were on each of the slides.

"Okay Katie, M-Mr. Porter Marshall as left me in charge while he was visiting Chase in the hospital, what can I help you with?" The eco pup said as Mr. Porter spoke up and said "well we were thinking about a closed casket due to injuries caused by the accident" a pause before Rocky said. "Alright that makes sense, now where will we be holding the funeral?" This time Katie spoke up. "I've already made a visiting and funeral arrangements with Lees funeral home." Rocky took a moment to breathe as this was a lot for a pup like him to handle, he looks over at Skye as she kept typing up the speech. "Alright, Marshall's due back anytime now." The mixed breed said, he was nervous, anxious and very on edge. He walked over to Skye and nudged her. "Hey." He said to Skye and she looked up and replied "hey, you alright?" "No, I'm not actually, I'm just on edge and where is Marshall?" Skye nods and looks at Rocky "give him some time, he's going through a especially hard time right now."

Rocky nods and walks back over to the computer as he begins to peice together a slide show, he was semi decent at making slide shows. He adds photos of Ryder and the entire team as pups, in the early days of paw patrol. He begins to cry to himself, sniffling and lets out a soft whimper.

Marshall leaves Chases side saying his goodbyes as he leaves the room. He walks past the desk and reaches the main hallway where he can walk straight to the front parking lot. The Dalmatian held back tears the entire time as seeing his mate in that condition takes a very hard emotional toll on his mental health.

Back with Chase, he laid there just in a critical state. His body won this physical battle but his mental health was in the gutter. He made a deal with the devil, at least his internal demons. He was a killer and an abuser, he was everything he vowed to protect everyone from. Chase groaned in his bed the bright lights blinding him as he lifted up his paw and narrowed his eyes.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 25 ⏰

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Fucked up love: K.CxD.M Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang