🌘 Ep.7: Society Of The Blind Eye 🌘

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~~~~~~~~~Your POV~~~~~~~~~

Up in the attic, Mason had pulled up a board to theorized while I sat on his bed for moral support, seeing him chew on his pen, "Alright, author, who are you? Who.. are you..."

"Make sure not to bite too hard, or you'll-" The pen broke in his mouth before I finished my sentence, "And there it is."

He spat out the ink and wiped the rest off, throwing the broken pen into a bin with others, "Add that one to the pile."

That's when Mabel ran inside with an excited shriek, falling on the bed beside me, "Hey, guys!! Look what I got~!"

Mason smiled awkwardly, "Yay, a filthy green bottle."

"Uh oh, she went dumpster diving again," I pointed out.

But she quickly explained herself, sitting up, "It's a bottle message from Mermando, remember?! He was part fish and part shirtless guy," she gasped, "What if he wants to get back together?!"

Mason was more cautious, "I wouldn't get your hopes up, Mabel."

"Too late, hopes are way way up!!" She pulled a note out of the bottle and started to read, "Dear Mabel, so far so good! It is with a heavy heart, so far so good! That I must inform you, I'm getting married?!"

I cringed a bit, "There it is.."

"In order to prevent an undersea civil war- arranged wedding- Queen of the manatees?!" Mabel pulled out a photo of Mermando and the Manatee Queen, caressing it, "And she's so beautiful!! This can't be happening!!"

She buried her face in her hands, and I placed a hand on her shoulder for comfort, "I'm so sorry, Mabel.."

"Hey, I'm sure you'll get over it eventually!" Mason added.

"You don't understand, guys!" Mabel took out her scrap book, opening it up, "On my first day here, I made this page for summer romances, and look at my luck! Turned out to be gnomes, child psycho, made out if his own hands, and now," she added the new picture to a new page, "Even you two have had a way better love life than me! I wish I could just forget about them forever.."

This made Mason and I share a worried glance, and he then looked back at his sister, "Hey, if it's any consolation, my summer mission isn't a huge success either. I'm still trying to find the author of this journal, but with this laptop smashed, we've lost any lead in finding them!"

"Still apologize for that...."

"I forgave you for it forever ago," he placed a kiss on my cheek, "I probably would've done the same given that choice."

"Wait a minute!!" Mabel had looked through the bottle at the computer, her expression shocked as she offered us the bottle, "Guys, look!!"

Mason grabbed it first, letting out a gasp as he looked at the corner of the computer, than handing it to me to do the same, noticing the signature that Mason spoke out loud, "McGucket Labs? Wait, Old Man McGucket?!"

I looked up at him in shock, "You don't think he's.."

"It couldn't be.. It doesn't make any sense! Unless..." He grabbed the photo of McGucket and moved it somewhere else on the board, moving around the red string and changing the words that had been written, all while muttering a theory. Once he was done and his mind was on the right track, he took a step back to inspect his work, eyes wide, "So then that would mean... Old Man McGucket wrote the journal?!"

🌓 Inhuman (Gravity Falls Dipper x Reader) 🌗Where stories live. Discover now