🌗 Ep.19: Dreamscaperers 🌗

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~~~~~~~~~Your POV~~~~~~~~~

The evening was stormy, dark with pouring rain outside, lightning striking every so often. We were up in the attic, with the twins playing Conflict Boat, a board game they found inside a closet.

"I'm gonna say...." Mason placed a move, "B5."

"Miss!!" Mabel replaced, placing her own move, which just resulted in her finishing a cat face, "Muap!"

"I don't think you're playing this right."

"Kids, come quick!!" Stan's voice was heard from downstairs, the three of us rushing down to find him in the living room, laughing at the tv, "I need you to laugh at this with me!"

"Who's cute as a button and always your friend? Little G-I-D to the E-O-N! Wink!" Gideon danced in his own commercial.

Bud's voice followed, reading the title, "Lil' Gideon!"

I rolled my eyes, "Ugh, Gideon."

Mabel cringed in placed, "Remember when I wouldn't date him and he tried to destroy us?"

"He's always trying to trick me into losing the Mystery Shack!" Stan added.

Wendy then walked in, "One time I called him stealing my moisturizer!"

"And yet, our mutual hatred for him bonds us together!" Soos ended with a smile.

Bud's voice narrated again, "Come on down to Lil' Gideon's Tent of Telepathy! Opening soon at this location!" A visual of Gideon's tent crushing the Mystery Shack was shown on tv, all of us staring, unsure of what to do.

Mason broke the ice, "Uh, should we be worried about that?"

"Please, the only way Gideon's taking over this shack is by breaking in and stealing my deed."

The sound of glass breaking followed Stan's relaxed words, Wendy asking, "You mean like, right now?"

We all rushed to Stan's office, a glare growing on his face as we found Gideon trying to open the safe, "Gideon!!"

Gideon smiled, "Well well Stanford, my arch-nemesis! We seem to have entered a game of Cat'n'Mouse! But the question remains: Who is the cat and who is the-!"

"Soos, broom."

"Oh no, not the broom!!"

Stan began to chase down Gideon around the room, with Gideon hissing at him at one point, only to be walked twice with said broom, running out of the shack as he shrieked.

Once outside in the rain, Gideon glared at Stan, "You mark my words, Stanford!! One day I'm gonna get that combination!! Once I steal that deed, you'll never see the Mystery Shack again!!"

"Good luck, bucko!" Stan closed the door, letting out a sigh and head back to his office.

I couldn't help but stare at the front door, a wave of worry washing over me as I remembered what that little troll had been capable of in the past. But I let it slide, at least for now, following everyone else into the living room, where we continued to watch tv.

🌓 Inhuman (Gravity Falls Dipper x Reader) 🌗Where stories live. Discover now