🌔 Ep.13: Boss Mabel 🌔

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Quick Warning - There's some self-hate from (y/n)'s part that may be a little rough, so uh- read at your own pace 👍
Enjoy the angst UvU

~~~~~~~~~Dipper's POV~~~~~~~~~

Business in the shack had been quite slow that day, so we were all in the living room watching Stan's favorite show.

I had been having a hard time focusing on it though, my mind focused on (y/n); he had been missing work for three days now, and because neither of us had a phone, I couldn't exactly call, nor could I give him a visit because I had no clue where he lived.

After all I learned about him on Summerween, it was hard not to worry..

"Ladies and gentleman, we now return to Cash Wheel!! Sponsored by Chipackers! The chip flavored crackers!"

"They taste just like chips!" Mabel added as she ate one from her back.

The first competitor spins the wheel, the announcer speaking when the wheel stops, "Congratulations, you're taking a-!"

"Cash Shower!!!" the crowd yelled in synch, including Stan.

As the first competitor did their best to get as much money as they could, the second competitor tried to take a few bucks, only for the first one to punch them right in the face and shove away the third competitor.

Stan smiled, "I like that guy's style!"

"Mr. Pines!" Soos ran into the room, "We got tourists at nine o'clock! A whole busload of'm!!"

"Get my suit!!"

Once he dressed up, we all met at the gift shop, with Stan's eyes lighting up at the sight of all the potential customers, "Hot tamales, it's a jackpot!! Soos, make some new attractions!!"

"You got it, boss!" he glued a wolf head to a chicken's body.

"Wendy, mark up those prices!! The higher the better!!"

Wendy took a marker, writing a zero next to the $2 sign, to which Stan yelled "Higher!!", and she added another zero, "Bleed them dry!!"

I walked over to him, "Yeesh, Grunkle Stan, it's like when you look at tourist all you see are wallets with legs!"

"That's not true," he looked out the window, squinting as he tried to see what was outside, then turned to me once again, "Clean up on the front lawn!"

This is not the distraction I hoped for....

~~~~~~~~~Your POV~~~~~~~~~

I was walking through the forest on my way to work. Usually for the next few days after a full moon, I'd feel a little nauseous, getting a migraine that I had learned to handle.

The night of the full moon was usually followed by nightmares, and and the sickness only made it worse, but I had grown you used it by this point. Still, just because I'm used to it, doesn't mean I like it.

Once I entered the shack, Stan had already started giving tours, so thankfully he didn't notice my arrival. He was aware about me skipping a few days each month, always lecturing me about how I should prioritize my work first, but I know he's just salty because I know how to get more money out of customers, so I was thankful to skip the lesson this time.

🌓 Inhuman (Gravity Falls Dipper x Reader) 🌗Where stories live. Discover now