🌑 Ep.6: Dipper Vs Manliness 🌑

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~~~~~~~~~Your POV~~~~~~~~~

I was working at the counter a little before noon; the only customer around was Tyler Cutebiker, a nice little man that found joy in just about anything. Stan was also behind the counter cleaning the cash register, trying to ignore the client.

It was around that time that the twins walked over to us, Dipper speaking first. "Grunkle Stan, can we go to the diner?"

Mabel moved her stomach around. "We're hungryyyy....!"

"Hungryyyy....!" Dipper repeated before the two started poking their stomachs to each other, to which I laughed at.

Stan simply rolled his eyes. "Yeah sure, as long as this yahoo makes up his mind."

"Do you have this in another animal?" Tyler asked as he pointed at a mounted up fish.

"Can (y/n) join too?" Dipper asked, slightly fiddling with his fingers. "Y-you know, if- if he wants to.."

"I'm down." I replied with a smile. "I skipped on breakfast today anyway."

"Fine, but then I'd have no one to watch this lunatic!" Stan nods over to Tyler once again, when an idea popped into his head. "... I'm fine locking himself if you are."

And so he did, through I felt a little bad, but I was ninety percent sure Tyler would even notice.

Anyway, we quickly found a booth at Greasy's Diner, sitting out and looking at the menu, when Stan looked up at the waitress. "Lazy Susan, there's my little ray of sunshine! Where were you yesterday~?"

"I got hit by a bus!"

Laughing loudly, Stan punched the table. "Hilarious!!"

"Thank you!" Susan also laughed, though it was for a bit too long that it made the rest of us uncomfortable.

Stan then asked. "You do split plates, right?"

"Maybe~!" Grabbing the eye lid of her permanently closed eye, she opened it before closing it again. "Wink~!"

"Great!! We'll all split a one fourth of the number seven, plus a free salad dressing for the ladies and a small plate of ketchup for the boys!"

"But, Grunkle Stan, I want some pancakes!" Mabel complained as she looked at her uncle.

"With the fancy flour they use these days? What am I, made of money?" A dollar bill peeked out of his sleeve, which he quickly tapped back in. "Tap tap."


"Don't worry, Mabel." I pulled out my wallet. "I can get us some pancakes, I know what a cheapskate your uncle can be."


"Ugh, (y/n), you are a darling!!" Mabel smiled brightly. "It's no wonder Dipper l-!"

A napkin then landed on her face, making her stop talking, to which I looked at Dipper, seeing his red in anger face. "Uh.."

He then let out a heavy sigh, pulling down my wallet a little. "Don't worry, guys, pancakes are on me! I'm gonna win some by beating that manliness tester."

Stan raised an eyebrow. "Manliness tester?"

"Beating?" Mabel added, the two sharing a glance before bursting into an uncomfortable laughter.

I was confused to why they'd laugh, and Dipper seemed to be so too with a mix of frustration. "What? What's so funny?"

Mabel wiped off a tear. "Oh no offense, Dipper, but you're not exactly Manly Mannington!"

🌓 Inhuman (Gravity Falls Dipper x Reader) 🌗Where stories live. Discover now