Palestine, My Country

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In Jerusalem and Acre, to Jaffa we go, 

In Gaza's heart and Jenin's glow. 

Each of us blooms, a thousand strong, 

No withering fig leaf, no faltering song.

Never abandoning justice, never fear, 

Our return is faith, certainty clear. 

We won't stay silent, we won't bow, 

For you, Palestine, we make this vow.

Palestine, our beloved land, 

We'll hold you, wound or hope in hand. 

Till the end of time, we'll stand, 

In you, our destiny's strand.

For your sun to shine on dreams untold, 

For little ones' laughter, pure as gold. 

To see you thrive when you call, 

Rebuilding homes, tending gardens tall.

We'll bring you back, free from chains, 

As united voices, as freedom's gains. 

No surrender, no retreat, 

For Palestine, our hearts beat.

Palestine, our cherished land, 

In you, our hopes forever stand. 

Till the Day of Judgment, we'll be true, 

Palestine, our love for you.

We won't stay silent, we won't bow, 

For you, Palestine, we make this vow. 

Carrying you, wound or hope, 

In you, our spirits elope.

We'll stay with you till the end of time, 

In every rhythm, in every rhyme. 

For you, Palestine, we'll endure, 

With love so strong, so pure.

Palestine, our country, our pride, 

In your struggle, we stand side by side. 

Till the Day of Judgment, we remain, 

For you, Palestine, our eternal refrain.

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