Don't believe...

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As the moon sets and the sun sets low, 

Humanity's conscience fades like an old shadow. 

My four walls can't contain my inner woes, 

Painful flames that burn and endlessly grow.

Days of God come and pass, 

As brothers rise and enemies scatter like broken glass. 

Faces of friends and foes unmask, 

Their true intentions revealed at last.

But I stand firm, unbreakable and true, 

Danger may linger, but I won't bow to you. 

Your parents may count their days anew, 

But even your lover won't wait for you.

Don't trust the promises of an addict, 

Or the tears of a prostitute so tragic, 

Or the applause of friends so ecstatic, 

For they will deceive you in ways so tragic.

Though I may have had wealth and fame, 

And a luxurious car with a prestigious name, 

My life had no joy, just an empty frame, 

My friends deserted me, leaving me in shame.

I gave them space in my home and heart, 

But they betrayed me, tearing me apart. 

Now I trust in God, who will never depart, 

For true friendship can only come from the heart.

So let the traitors and hypocrites come, 

I'll stand my ground and fight as one. 

For even a beauty queen will lie and stun, 

But in the end, justice will be done.

Don't believe the promises of an addict, 

Or the tears of a prostitute so tragic, 

Or the applause of friends so ecstatic, 

For they will deceive you in ways so drastic.

In this world of betrayal and deceit, 

Hold onto your faith and never retreat. 

For God is with us, our salvation complete, 

And true friends are the ones who truly meet.

Let us pray for our parents and be sane, 

And not let our hearts be filled with pain. 

For true love and friendship will remain, 

And in the end, we will find our true gain.

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