Dancing with My Mother

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When the singer melodiously sings, 

The tune plays, and my heart takes wings. 

Words scattered, as joy unfurls, 

Dancing with my mother, in a swirl.

Not with a carefree guitar and strings, 

Nor with my beautiful wife, envy springs. 

I envy myself in this ecstatic trance, 

Dancing with my mother, a graceful dance.

Oh my goodness, I earnestly pray, 

You are my sun-faced, radiant ray. 

This towering joy, an elevated height, 

When dancing with my mother, sheer delight.

SHe, innocent as a young child's glee, 

I'm learning anew, oh how it frees me. 

No one in the world feels joy so pure, 

When dancing with my mother, I'm secure.

What a sweet feeling, a divine grace, 

My Lord's gift, troubles find no place. 

Halt my worries, grant me this chance, 

Oh, when you dance with my mother, life's expanse.

Oh my goodness, I fervently pray, 

You are my sun-faced, radiant ray. 

This towering joy, an elevated height, 

When dancing with my mother, love takes flight.

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