My Provocative Friends

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Oh my dear friends, who found solutions for the world's pain 

In my case, the problem was sluggish, oh how insane 

My true friends who stood by me, always close 

And those who left when things got too heavy to impose

Some of my friends sold me out, without a fee 

My trust was betrayed by those who ran away from me 

Oh my friends, my friends, oh how two-faced you can be 

Praise me to the world, but fake cheer and bring me to my knees

My friends who stayed with me during holidays and fun 

But ran slowly when the night came and I was the only one 

What did I do for you, my so-called friends? 

When I needed you the most, you left me without amends

Oh my friends, my friends, those who became slaves to greed 

You sold me out for money, with no remorse or creed 

Don't come to me now, I'll hurt you, my friends 

The day I called, you didn't know me, it all ends

When I have plenty, you call me "my liver" 

But when I have nothing, you forget me altogether 

I have no support in my hour of need, my friends 

Don't come to me now, I'll hurt you, this is where it ends

Oh my friends, my friends, I trusted you with my heart 

But you broke it into pieces and tore it apart 

You ran away slowly without even telling me 

Leaving me behind, in a world of misery

Oh my friends, my friends, I loved you all so much 

But now I see your true colors, it's all just a crutch 

I'll find new friends who'll stay by my side 

And never sell me out, for they have nothing to hide.

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