Eric Heydar

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In a VIP Jeep, I ride so bold,

My iPhone's worth is a fortune untold.

Alpha, Betta, Delta, Gamma, they call,

The world is my playground, I own it all.

Dubai is mine, I rent it out,

To those who doubt my wealth, I shout.

Lady Gaga calls me, but it's just a bore,

My riches give me pleasure, nothing more.

My face is better than a hundred models,

I'll make a business plan that leaves no bottlenecks.

99% success, the rest is for my friends,

I've sold my training project for a million dollars, it never ends.

I'm an oligarch, heading to Abu Dhabi or afar,

I'm Eric Heydar, my riches shine like a star.

Don't be my enemy, don't play with fire,

I'm the golden boy, the one you should admire.

My shelter may be small, but it's all I need,

The Barcelona team begs, but I pay them no heed.

Hollywood comes knocking, they want my money,

World celebrities guard my house, ain't it funny?

My Swiss bank account barely lasts a day,

Special workers count my money, they don't stray.

In Antalya, I have gold tiles so square,

A helicopter's needed just to clear the air.

My private plane parked in the lot,

A million views just for a snapshot.

Mayweather's my tennis partner, we have fun,

My money's stored in Oman, safe and sound, every one.

I'm Eric Heydar, proud Barca fan,

I do good deeds, help whenever I can.

The riches I have, I share with the needy,

Money may bring pleasure, but kindness is mighty.

So earn money, my friend, like the golden boy,

But never forget to think about those who need joy.

The riches I have, I use for good,

That's what makes me Eric Heydar, misunderstood.

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