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With the destruction of the lab, Claire held onto the only relics of what had truly happened: it was her direct link to forbidden knowledge and ancient mysteries. She could study it for a lifetime, and only barely scratch the surface!

With the passage of time, Claire's tablet from Atlantis was her direct link back to Prince/Princess Fisher as the Oceanid continuedly updated the tablet from the past, recording their adventures, knowledge, and life for her to read.

---Hours After The Temporal Disaster In Seattle---

Campus security came over as they pulled her aside, as she was one of the witnesses to the disaster. There was a growing crowd of people gathering as they all looked at the missing building and giant crater in the earth.

This was once the physics and chemistry department, where students were taught in class, and laboratories conducted their private research. Now it was a vacant hole in the ground. Luckily, the only causality was Dr. Lowes...though no one would truly know of what had become of the man.

"Excuse me, can you tell me what happened here, miss!?" the officer asked as he held his pen against a pad of paper

Claire knew that she could not reveal the whole truth, or she would possibly be detained and blamed for the disaster that Dr. Lowes had unleashed upon the Pacific Northwest.

"Tarraingíodh an foirgneamh isteach go haonarach..." [The building was pulled into a singularity...] as it was the best explanation that she could give him.

Oddly, he just walked away as if not caring about her opinion and went to interview another bystander.

'Rude!' she thought.

Her mind was then alerted by a strange vibration in her hands as she looked down at the crystalline tablet that seemed to have activated in her hands.

In was currently pinpointing her location here at the University of Washington, then it showed her multiple targets on the screen. The tablet seemed to be telling her to travel to these places for answers.

The closest location was just off the rocky British Columbian coast with the words identifying the location as:

The closest location was just off the rocky British Columbian coast with the words identifying the location as:

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[Cascadian Outpost]

Her eyes glanced at the pulsating light, noticing that it wasn't actually upon the land, but somewhere far off in the North Pacific Ocean.

She places the warm tablet back inside the safety of her purse as she decides to make a quiet exit from the scene. She has already severed ties to Dr. Lowe's madness, and any files connecting her to the disaster now rested somewhere in the slipstream.

Walking to her car, she was relieved to see that it had gone unscathed in the epic earthquake that was now being dubbed as 'The Big One'.

The geologists back in Vancouver were calling it the Cascadia Event, which ironically has been responsible for most of the biggest catastrophes to occur here on the Pacific Northwest coast. Driving back home to the peaceful San Juan Islands, she longs for Roche Harbor and the comforts of home.

Atlantean Doctrine Book 4 - The Fall Of AtlantisWhere stories live. Discover now