Future's Past

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November 17th 2020 S.T.

Weary pale blue-green eyes stare at the bright blue light emanating from a computer screen. Thin, bony fingers strike the keyboard, imprinting Latin script letter upon a blank white search bar. Each strike of the keys clicked and clacked letters to form a series of words, written in modern English:

The words 'Akashic Records' were a mystery to most of the world, including the pale blue-green eyed young man named David Formosa

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The words 'Akashic Records' were a mystery to most of the world, including the pale blue-green eyed young man named David Formosa.

When he had first heard the words, it was from the most unlikely place! 'Atlantis!'

Of course, Atlantis wasn't a real place in history or time! It was a fable that only lived in the minds of dreamers and philosophers. And for David, Atlantis came into his dreams one uneventful night after the next: opening him to ancient knowledge that had been lost to the depths of time.

He dreamt of a beautiful girl with stunning ocean blue eyes, long golden flowing blonde hair, and skin whiter than his own! She wore reddish-orange armor that was made of a precious metal only found on Atlantis: orichalcum.

Her long white dress fluttered in the hydrangea-scented wind, sparkling with encrusted blue gems. The crown upon her head was circled with crystals forming a tiara made of silver, sparkling bright in the evening sunlight.

She held out her glowing white hand for him to take, speaking in a language that at first, he could not understand. It sounded something like Gaelic, or Finnish. But with time, her words seemed to melt into English.

She spoke so softly to him; like a lover speaking to another.

"Seek those who can interpret the akashic records. There you will find your way back home."

Night after night, he dreamt of a city on the water. Glowing pillars of brilliant yellow-white light reaching skyward into the heavens. The futuristic city was a blend of blue-white crystalline towers, hanging gardens of beautiful flowers, and attractive marble buildings glistening in the sunlight. Somehow, he knew this place: Elysia!

That was the name of this island, this place. It was once part of a greater society, long before the homeland was divided by water from the sudden melt in the polar ice caps.

The Elysian's were governed by the Atla-Ra. A peaceful matriarchy of artists, musicians, poets, thinkers, philosophers, and healers...all gifted with elemental magic. The Elysian's were a proudful society that was in constant strife with their sister island: Antilia.

The Antilian's was governed by the Aryan Brotherhood. A violent patriarchal society of warriors, militants, and scientists. The Brotherhood controlled the sacred capital of Poseidia, locked away behind its concentric walls of stone and deep channels of water. For all the prestige and godly might that they held sway, they were weighed down by sin and corruption, falling deeper into greed and the unquenchable lust for power. They had forgotten who they were, their mission here on Earth, and where they had come from.

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