The Springs Of Eternity

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November 17th 10542 A.T.


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David stood for the longest time before the digitalized computer screen, studying the map of an island nation long forgotten. He gently touched the wall, summoning a closer look at the many islands of Alta. There were ten islands marked with the ten names of the ten kingdoms of the Confederation of Atla.

Alta was the ruins of its former self; its heart was sunken deep under the Altalantean Ocean that had divided the united empire into multiple islands, just after the second age.

Now, two governments control the Confederation: to the north were the islands of Antilia, governed by the Aryan Brotherhood and Poseidia. To the south were the islands of Elysia, governed by the Atla-Ra.

David pinpointed his location on the map, living on the second largest island of Elysia that was shared by two Kingdoms: The Oceanid Kingdom and the Aycayia Kingdom.

David pinpointed his location on the map, living on the second largest island of Elysia that was shared by two Kingdoms: The Oceanid Kingdom and the Aycayia Kingdom

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In the far mountainous north are the proud soldiers of Alta. The mighty Amphere Kingdom.

Protected in a deep lush green valley between two mountain ranges, with two active volcanoes in the east called: Furna and Furnas. Amphere was the heart of the military which protects the Empire of Alta from attacks.

Here, citizens destined to serve in the military as soldiers train for almost half a century to be called 'Elites'. The soldiers of Amphere are quite aggressive to the lesser duine, however, they will not challenge the soldiers of the Oceanids due to a serious lack of magic theory amongst their kin.

Further north to the edge of the empire is the mountainous furnaces of the Atlanticu Kingdom.

Here the precious golden bronze metal, orichalcum, is mined and smelted from ores extracted from the mountain store. Orichalcum is so abundant here in Atlanticu that the metal is used in place of bronze and iron, due to its immense strength and energetic properties.

The Atlanticus smiths who skillfully worked the metal into ships, weapons, technology, and ornaments are true craftsmen of their trade. Their techniques a secret to the rest of Atla.

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