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Immediately after the wedding, Jungkook said we had to leave for the honeymoon, I didn't even pack any clothes.

"Tess already packed your bag, I have to be there by 1 pm tomorrow, we have to leave."

"So this is just a business thing then," I asked.

"What's it supposed to be? For pleasure?" he asked mockingly and I scoffed.

"I just wanted to make things clear to you that this is just what it is a contract nothing more so don't expect anything."

"If I want anything I know where to go." He replied and I rolled my eyes, typical Jungkook.

We got into the car and the driver drove us to the airport and we entered his private jet, I tried not to show my excitement too much, this was the first time for me to be on a plane and it was thrilling yet scary.

We were sat beside each other although we wanted to be far away. He had taken off his suit and wore his shirt loose reading something in a file. I was dressed in a light pink dress that I had worn for the reception. The plane was ready for taking off and I could feel my nerves heightened. He told us to buckle our seat belt and I got nervous.

"Don't tell me you're scared."Jungkook mocked.

"Exactly what I planned on doing, not telling you," I said and he laughed. A very deep mocking one. And to think there was a time I found his laugh sexy.

"Laugh all you want Jeon, not everyone gets the chance to live lavish as you do.

"Yeah, I forgot, you are just a beggar," he said and I slapped him.

How dare he call me a beggar. I may be poor, may not have had some things I wanted but I was contented. We may not have lots of money but that doesn't make us beggars and never, I mean have I ever begged anyone for anything.

"I am not a beggar, never was and never will be." I said through clenched teeth.

"Well I'm sure I've taken care of your next twenty generations with the money I'm paying you," he said coldly.

I raised my hand to slap him but he caught it mid-air. "I might have let you slap me once but not again. you've disrespected me and when we get off this plane I'd teach you what happens to people that do." he threatened icily.

With the way he said it I should have been afraid. heck I was but he didn't need to know that.

"If I get punished then you should too. You disrespect me a lot and next time mind how you talk to me because I wouldn't be nice enough to just slap you." I threatened in the scariest and bossy voice I could muster.

He just laughed while glaring at me and in a scary voice he whispered. "you have no idea what I would do to you."

I hadn't even noticed the plane had taken off at least he got my mind off it but I was scared. What could he possibly do to me? I just hope it's nothing.

No one uttered a word throughout, in fact, he sat away from me much to my joy and since I had nothing to do I fell asleep.

"Miss... Miss..." the persistent voice kept calling and it pissed me. Couldn't I sleep longer?

"What?" I snapped opening my eyes.

"I'm sorry but Mr Jeon is leaving." he announced, the next thing I asked was out of alarm and shocked.

TEMPTATION OF MY ARROGANT CEO JEON JUNGKOOK {Completed}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ