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I had to smile as he opened the door because I noticed flashes and shots of our picture being taken. We were bombarded by the media, their appearance was still a mystery to me. They started taking more pictures asking questions. His hands were around my waist as he answered reporters. Their questions were along the lines of "When is your marriage?", "How long have you been engaged?", "When did you start seeing each other?"

"I won't be answering any questions and just want to have an alone time with my fiancé.." he said wading them off. The bodyguards stepped up preventing them from taking more pictures but they continued with their questions.

We got into the restaurant at last and we were ushered into a private area. The restaurant was like any regular rich people restaurant. It looked so expensive from the chandelier to the table and chairs down to the table clothes, I bet their napkins alone could be worth my salary.

We were ushered to our table, our table was clothed in red, there were red and white candles, a golden chandelier hovering above us, the setting was romantic, too bad there wasn't anything romantic going on between us.

Once we got settled in our seat the waitress came to hand us our menu and I could see her gawking at Jungkook, I didn't blame her because I understand how attractive he is. I looked at the menu and I tried not to show my discomfort. It was freaking expensive and I was wondering how someone could spend so much money on food and let's not start on the wine. I decided not to act like a poor girl and let him spend his money, it was after all his not mine.

I ordered a lot of food to my heart desire and when it appeared on the table it was mouthwatering.

"We have to go over the rules." He started.


"Okay but I have a question, why are we getting married and why me?"

"Don't flatter yourself, Miss Y/N. I'm only getting married to you because that's the only way I can get the money and I chose you because you're the only girl I can remember her name fully just because you happen to be working for me and besides I know I can't fall in love with you, you're not just my type," he replied with a smirk and I laughed.

"It's good to know we're on the same page Jungkook, you're not my type either and I can never fall in love with you," I said smirking too.

He has fucked around with countless girls from his one night stands, he probably never even knew their name to start with. I hate the way he treated girls, I hate the way he treated me.

"So what are the rules." I inquired curiously as to what it would be.

He handed me a paper with ten rules and I scanned through them.

1. We have to act in love in the presence of everyone.

2. We won't see anyone else.

3. We can't speak to anybody about our engagement being fake.

4. If anyone finds out about it and it's your fault all the money will be collected especially if it leaks out to the media.

5. You are not permitted to go anywhere without me.

6. You are to be a dutiful wife.

7. None of your friends is allowed into the house if you happen to have any.

8. You are not permitted to enter my room at all.

9. You must not misplace the ring or be found not wearing it.

10. This is strictly a contract and nothing is permitted to happen between us.

"Failure to any of the rules would attract punishment," he stated coldly.

I was so angry at the same time found the rules funny and so l laughed. The rules were outrageous. I can understand the first three but the rest were absurd.

I can't go anywhere without him!

I'm supposed to be his fake wife and not a man hostage or prisoner. Dutiful wife! What's his explanation of dutiful?

"I hope I've made myself clear Miss Y/N."

"You haven't. Why can't I go anywhere without you? I'm supposed to be your fake wife, not a prisoner." I nearly shouted.

"I forgot one, you are not to disrespect me or question me," he said and I laughed.

"I won't disrespect you think unless you do. I demand to respect too Jungkook." I stated firmly and he laughed.

"Miss Y/N. I've made my rules and they're not going to change so I advise that you follow them," he warned harshly.

He had the nerve to laugh because I said I demand. So I can't be respected because I'm a girl or from a lower class or because I didn't mean anything to him? I seriously don't know what's wrong with him but there's one thing I know for sure, my hatred for him wasn't changing.

"We'd go over the lies carefully. we have an interview on Saturday and I don't want any flop, you would act like we're in love and there would be no mistake on your part" he warned coldly and it angered me.

"Why didn't you just hire an actress or someone you'd marry that would benefit your company. Why choose me Jungkook?" I asked angrily.

If not for my father's condition I wouldn't have even given it a thought but now here I am with him. If this is what I'd pay for my father's health to be better then I'd try to endure it.

"You will not question my decision Y/N, I can do whatever I want whenever I want. You should be glad that someone like me chose someone like you and let me tell you I didn't choose you because of any attachment, I chose you because I hate you," he stated coldly, the anger and hatred evident in his tone and it made me angry. Why will he hate me so much when he was the one that ruined my life? Whatever feeling of hatred he had for me was nothing compared to mine.

I wasn't going to let him get to me, yes I'm angry every time he opens his mouth to speak but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing me hurt or angry.

"It's good to know that the feeling is mutual Jungkook." I said smiling. "I hate you so much Jungkook."

"I don't give a damn Miss Y/N." he coldly said.

"And I don't give a damn that you don't give a damn," I said with a smirk.

He looked angry and I felt satisfied, I can't be the only one getting angry here. He didn't say anything and just glared at me and I did the same thing not backing down, my eyes not leaving his. He just gave me this We'd see look before taking his eyes off me and I smirked.




TEMPTATION OF MY ARROGANT CEO JEON JUNGKOOK {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now