Dinner was fine.

Helen had made some kind of chicken stew.

There are actually a lot of residents who don't eat, so they don't tend to sit at the table. However, there are exceptions. Often Sally will sit and just chat, even if she does most of the talking.

There are some who take their food to their rooms and eat too. Especially the proxies whenever they're here, which is really rare.

You don't remember much from sitting at the table. Maybe people spoke, maybe they didn't. You don't even remember who sat next to you...

I really need to be more in tune with my surroundings.

People often leave you alone. Probably sensing that you're not one for much of a conversation. Residents also tended to either avoid youth in the mansion or try to protect them.

Sometimes, depending on the person, they can fall into both categories.


Due to your younger age, you're not put on missions outside of the mansion. Slenderman hasn't ever contacted you since you arrived either, so you just play by ear and help out with what you can. You owe it to him.


You do a lot of chores.

But due to your most recent injury, you're not expected to do anything while you recover.

That and I'd rather not anger Miss Ann trying to do something strenuous while I'm supposed to be recovering.

They take recovery seriously here. If you don't work anymore, then you're discarded.

But you've got time before you need to worry about that. Considering you're still rather young, you have nothing to worry about.


Ben was one of those who would regularly interact with you whenever he felt like it or if he was bored and had spare time. After about a week of you being at the mansion, he had you playing video games with him.

He probably felt bad for you, but at least you got a TV mounted on your wall and an Xbox from it. With an array of games too. Whenever you weren't doing a chore in the mansion then you were probably playing video games.

Sometimes Ben would call you, on the phone he also gave you, and would join your game. Single player or not, if he wanted to, he'd find a way to join.

Much like right now.

"There's a skeleton aiming at your head right now." You heard his voice through the speaker of your phone.

"I'm aware." You responded.

You two were currently playing Minecraft, exploring a cave. Your world was well developed, to say the least. You've been to the nether but not the end yet. Had a house and farm going.

Even villagers in your basement.

You know, the necessities.

"Where did you go?" You turned around in the game after killing the skeleton, looking around for his Link skin.

"Don't worry about it."

"I swear to god, if you're griefing my base I will storm into your room and cut your cords."

"You're no fun~"

Wolf was slain by BEN.


"That didn't happen." He nervously chuckled.


"I'll spawn you another one." You could hear the smile on his voice.

You could hear him get up from his seat before walking away and sitting back down.

"Did you just lock your door?"



You got your dog back.

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