"How'd you do it this time?"

Biting down on a rag while having your shoulder stitched up was not on your agenda for the day.

The imitation hospital room was quiet and faintly smelt like an actual hospital from the chemicals they used to clean it. No decorations of any kind.

Sucking in a sharp breath you heard Miss Ann mumble a tired apology. She wasn't really sorry.

"It just happened."

"Well don't let it happen again. This is the second time you've been in here this week."

You almost told her it was Saturday. That it was the last day of the week. But you knew better than to get smart Ann. She was a nurse after all.

You didn't speak as she finished up your shoulder and gave you the basic rundown. Don't do this, and don't do that- you've heard it before.

She walked over to a nearby counter as she put away her supplies. At least that's what you thought she was doing, you never really bothered to figure it out.

As a matter of fact, you never really bothered doing anything while at the mansion. You used to have such a good mindset and motivation. Now it's just, 'What can I do to make it to tomorrow?'

"What did you say?" You asked as you turned towards Ann, disregarding the rag to the side. She sighed, looking at you in the eyes before she spoke up again.

"Be careful, kid." That was all she said before she walked over to the door and held it open. There's your sign to get out.

Standing from your seat, you paid no mind to the harsh pain that sprouted from your shoulder. But your pain must have shown across your face.

"Go downstairs and hunt down some pain medication. I'm sure Jack or maybe even Smiley will have some if you can't find it anywhere else."

You've had some in your bathroom since you arrived at the mansion. You gave Miss Ann your thanks before leaving the room.


The mansion is so weird. There are so many people with such different backgrounds yet, they all manage to live here for the most part.

Of course, there are people who spend a lot more time out, some even having places they tend to stay outside of the mansion.

You would think, that with so many individuals and some being more... aggressive than others, there would be a lot of altercations.

And you'd be right.



Briskly walking past the scene about to play out in the hallway with Jeff and Clockwork, you made your way to your room.

It was on the second floor, close to the stairs. Doors lined all of the second and third stories with bedrooms behind them. Every room was meticulously passed out to a resident. With people having grudges and violent tenancies it was a... necessary precaution.

Your room was one door away from the stairs. Miss Jane's room sat next to yours on the left, being the room closest to the stairs, while the door to your right was occupied by Cody, or better known as X-Virus.

Unlocking your door, you were welcomed with the familiar sight. You were provided with a bed, desk, and dresser when you first arrived. The room was small but nice at the same time.

Your bed was situated in the corner against the back wall, the headboard against the right wall. The dresser against the right wall in the opposite corner. Your desk was next to the bathroom door, which you shared with Miss Jane, on the left wall.

Of course, since you've been here for a while now, you've customized your room to your liking with the addition of a small clothing rack. You had it at the foot of your bed to make the space seem less cluttered than when you had it against a wall.

It just looked better that way.

Entering the bathroom, you opened the medicine cabinet. And you'll never guess what was inside...

It was medicine.

You found a bottle of your preferred medication before dry swallowing at least two pills. Dry swallowing pills was something you've always been able to do since you came to the mansion.

Turning off the lights and closing the bathroom door, you were back in your room.

Dinner will be happening soon... I wonder who is cooking today?

Every week, the chore chart was updated. Usually, Clockwork would handle sorting everybody into a chore for the week. She was chosen by the proxies to do so since she wasn't afraid of confrontation.

There have been times when Clockwork has chewed someone out for not doing what they're supposed to.

I'm convinced she lives off the feeling.

Whenever someone pisses her off, she will often put them to work on a chore that nobody likes the next week. Like that one time, Kagekao stole her wine... He wouldn't shut up about how he had to vacuum all the carpets.


You had been so lost in your thoughts that you didn't realize you had already left your room and were walking towards the kitchen a floor down.

I've got to stop zoning out like that... God, I hope I locked my door.

You looked over at the grandfather clock that was in the lounge, trying to read the time.

It's only 5... I've got at least 30 more minutes until dinner is done.

Some people were lounging in the living room, but you didn't pay them any mind as you walked towards the kitchen.

The kitchen was large.

But so was the dining table.

With so many people it should be anticipated to have large living areas.

Peeking into the kitchen, you saw Helen at the stove. Knowing him, he was probably making something relatively good. Helen was one of the better cooks in the mansion. He didn't do it often though.

Deciding to just wait it out, you walked over to the dining room a few feet away, sat down in your normal seat, and got lost in your thoughts again.

You had a tendency to space out often, especially when bored, or when not having something to do.


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