Chapter 33 - We're Moving Into Dorms?

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I woke up earlier than usual, feeling more refreshed than I had in days. The lingering ache in my body had subsided, and a sense of normalcy was finally returning. . It had been four days since the rescue mission for Bakugo, and things were slowly settling back into their rhythm. Jiro had finally regained consciousness after nearly a week of being unconscious. Yaoyorozu and I had visited her the day she woke up. Denki had come along too, though he opted to wait in the lobby while we spent time with Jiro. She wasn't exactly thrilled about his presence.

The buzzing of my phone jolted me awake, the unexpected sound cutting through the silence of the morning. I grabbed my phone, squinting to read the name that flashed on the screen.

Incoming Call from : Denki

I tapped the answer button and put the phone on speaker as I sat up in bed, my voice still heavy with sleep. "Hello?" I greeted, my words slightly slurred.

"Good morning!" Denki's voice blasted through the phone, causing me to wince at the volume. "Have you checked the group chat yet? I haven't had a chance to look at the mail yet, but if it's true, isn't this exciting?!" He rambled on excitedly, barely pausing for breath.

"Denki, I literally just woke up. I haven't checked anything yet," I replied, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I could hear what sounded like a door opening on his end. Curious, I scooted closer to the window and peered outside, catching a glimpse of Denki in his pajamas darting toward his mailbox. "Why are you outside?"

"I'm checking the mail, obviously!" He shot back, turning his head in my direction with a playful smile. "And why are you being creepy and spying on me through your window?"

"Because you called me at..." I glanced at my phone to check the time. "Seven in the morning and haven't even told me why."

Denki continued rummaging through his mailbox until he finally retrieved a single letter, holding it up in my direction. "Look!"

I laughed softly, shaking my head. "You do realize I can't see that far, right?"

"Ah, shit, sorry," he exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement. Without hesitation, he started jogging towards my house, his phone still pressed to his ear. "I'll just come show you then!"

I chuckled as I watched him approach. "Sure, just don't wake up the entire neighborhood."

Denki flashed a grin as he reached my house, slowing his pace to a stop in front of my window. "Well, I wouldn't wake up the whole neighborhood if you let me inside."

I couldn't help but smile at his antics as I stepped away from the window, heading downstairs towards the front door to let him in. "Alright, come on in."

As I opened the door, Denki bounded inside with an excited energy that was contagious. "Guess what!" he exclaimed, waving the letter in the air. "This is it!"

I raised an eyebrow, curiously. "What is it?"

Denki exploded with excitement, his energy racing as he practically sprinted up and down the hallway. "We're moving into dorms!" he announced loudly, his voice echoing with excitement.

"What?!" I exclaimed, eager to see the letter for myself. "Let me see!" Snatching the letter from his hand, I quickly tore it open and unfolded the neatly folded piece of paper inside the envelope. As my eyes scanned the words on the page, it confirmed everything. He was right. We were being moved into dorms, with parental consent, of course. "This is crazy. How did you find out?"

"Some people got the letters yesterday," Denki explained, his breath coming in short gasps as he leaned against the wall, visibly tired from his excitement-induced sprint around my living room. "Teachers are coming today to talk with our parents."

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