Chapter 19 - The Mission

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I sprawled out on my bed, feeling completely drained after the whirlwind of the past few days at my internship. Four days had flown by, and they'd been filled with nearly every moment spent alongside my mom. And although that's why I had chosen Luminex, I wasn't prepared for how mentally exhausting it could be. Striving to meet her expectations all the time took its toll. But, at least I had the comfort of returning home each night. Unlike many of my classmates who were staying in nearby hotels, I had the privilege of going home with my mom. I scrolled through Instagram, seeking a bit of entertainment to unwind. Just as I was getting lost in a sea of random posts, my phone screen was suddenly lit up by a call notification.

Incoming Call from: Denki

With a mix of surprise and curiosity, I swiped to answer Denki's call. His familiar voice greeted me through the phone's speaker, making me smile involuntarily. "Heeyyy! Hope I'm not interrupting anything. Just wanted to see how your internship has been."

"It's been..." I paused for a moment to think, trying to find the right words to say, "very draining." I chuckled a bit, trying to lighten up the moment, "But in a good way! I've been doing a lot of paperwork and doing some patrolling. Tomorrow I'm actually going on a mission and I'm really really excited about that."

"Wow, that's... really exciting... But it also sounds kinda dangerous." Denki's concern was evident in his voice, "What exactly is this mission?"

I chuckled softly at his worry, "To be completely honest, I'm not entirely sure," I admitted. "My mom's been keeping the details on the low. But, from what I do know, there have been a series of burglaries in the Hino area, and we're going to go investigate. Nothing too serious." My tone was light, trying to ease any concerns he might have had.

"That's good. I'm glad it's nothing too serious," Denki let out a sigh of relief. "Just make sure you're careful, please," his voice was full of concern.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his tone. "No promises," I replied, sarcasm lacing my voice. "I'll be doing my best not to get myself killed. But, how has your internship been?"

Denki's voice shifted to a more upbeat tone. "Oh, you know, the usual electrifying stuff. I'm interning with some pros who specialize in electrical manipulation, so it's been a shockingly good time."

I laughed at his pun, shaking my head. "Of course you'd find a way to make 4 electricity jokes in one sentence."

"Well, it's a talent," he said playfully. "But seriously, it's been pretty cool. Learning some new techniques, getting a better handle on my quirks."

"Wow, that sounds... really cool, actually. But also kinda shocking," I said, unable to resist a pun, which made Denki chuckle on the other end. "Seriously though, sounds like you're making the most of it."

"Yeah, definitely trying to," Denki said, his enthusiasm evident. "But it's getting kinda late and I have to be up early to patrol tomorrow. I hope your mission goes well. Just remember to stay safe, okay?"

"I will, don't worry," I assured him. "And I'll fill you in on all the details once I'm back."

"Looking forward to it," Denki said, before briefly pausing. "Sleep well."

"You too."

I ended the call, a mix of emotions swirling within me after our conversation. In the span of just five minutes, Denki had managed to both ease my worries and make me anxious at the same time. I set my phone aside, thinking over the exchange before reaching out to grab the charger from my nightstand. Quickly plugging in my phone, I settled into my bed, ready to catch some rest before the big day. Morning broke with the sound of my phone's alarm buzzing on my bed. I groggily reached over, silencing the alarm and squinting at the time. 5:46 am. My body suddenly kicked into action, and I practically tumbled out of bed onto the floor. I shuffled my way to the bathroom, letting the water from the shower wash away any sleepiness I still had. Once dressed in comfortable clothes, I headed downstairs, greeted by my mom who was already impeccably dressed in her professional suit. With our outfits in hand, we set out for the agency.

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