Chapter 26 - I'm Not Letting You Go Alone

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"Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall!" Mina's voice rang out with excitement.

I can't believe so many of us showed up. Over half the class had shown up, a pretty good turnout for a last-minute plan. Everyone was dressed in their casual clothes, and it was the first time I had seen most of these classmates in anything other than their school uniform or hero costumes.

As we stood at the mall entrance, whispers and murmurs from onlookers surrounded us. "Aren't those U.A. students?" "First years?" "I saw them on TV!" The attention was both surprising and slightly overwhelming.

"I can't believe they still remember that," Ochako mumbled, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

Jiro chimed in, "I want to track down a new duffle bag for summer training." She glanced at Yaoyorozu and me.

"Oh yeah?" Yaoyorozu replied, "Maybe the three of us should shop together?"

Mineta, as always, had different priorities. "Let's see, where can I get a lock-picking kit?" he mused, eyeing the nearby stores.

"Mineta, you creep!" Hagakure exclaimed, earning a few chuckles from the group.

"So, then, why don't we split up and look around?" Kiri started, "We can meet here again when we're done."

"Great idea!" Mina agreed.

"Perfect!" Kirishima exclaimed, "Let's say we're all back around 3."

Jiro, Yaororozu, and I began walking around in our small group, none of us exactly sure what we were looking for. We walked through the mall, stopping at various stores and enjoying the casual atmosphere. Squished between two clothing stores was a small jewelry store. Items on display that are shown through the window, some catching my eye.

"Hey, want to check this out?" Jiro suggested, gesturing towards the entrance.

Curiosity piqued, we entered the jewelry store. The tinkling sound of small bells greeted us as we stepped inside. The display cases glimmered with an assortment of necklaces, rings, and bracelets. I scanned the display cases, my hands grazing over some of the jewelry placed atop the counters. My eyes caught sight of a particularly charming black ball bead bracelet. Such a simple design with so much beauty.

As I picked up the bracelet, the small beads slid through my fingers. The black beads had a subtle shimmer of gold, adding a touch of character. It had a timeless look, and the more I stared at it, the more I thought about someone special.

"You should get it," Yaoyorozu encouraged, peeking over my shoulder to get a better look at the bracelet in my hands.

I hesitated for a moment, thinking about Denki. With a smile, I decided to buy two of the bracelets, one for me and one for him. The bracelet nestled safely in my bag, I couldn't wait to see Denki's reaction when I gave it to him. The bell above the door jingled as we left the store, continuing our walk through the mall.

As we strolled through the mall, the time finally hit 3, and we made our way back to the agreed meeting spot. As the three of us got closer, something felt off. A small crowd had gathered, and among them were not just our classmates but also the police. Midoriya was in the midst of a conversation with the officers, his expression serious.

Concern etched across my face, I turned to Jiro and Yaoyorozu, silently questioning what could be happening. We quickened our pace until we were within earshot of Midoriya and the police. We approached the group. Uraraka, Iida, Mina, Hagakure, and Tokoyami were all already there, their expressions shifting from curiosity to concern.

"What's going on?" Kirishima asked as he, Denki, Mineta, and Shouji jogged towards our small group.

The atmosphere was tense, curiosity mixed with unease. I turned to Jiro and Yaoyorozu, exchanging concerned glances.

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