Chapter 31 - You're Okay!

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Denki's POV

"Aww, we wanted the chance to face off with all the others!" Mina whined as we walked through the dense forest.

Mr. Aizawa led the five of us, his scarf wound tightly around our torsos, navigating the dark woods, and preventing any escape attempts during our unexpected extra lessons.

"I thought Pixie Bob said we'd be getting a reward!" Eijiro complained, his frustration evident in his voice.

And he had a point. We were promised a reward, not this abuse."This is more like torture," I groaned, "We want our treat, Mr. Aizawa!"

"Do you want me to tighten your bindings?"

Aizawa's deadpan stare silenced any further complaints as we continued our march through the forest. The moon cast an eerie glow on our path, and the cool summer air rustled the leaves overhead. After a few more minutes, a small concrete building emerged in the distance, its bright lights spilling through the windows. The tight bindings finally began to loosen as we entered.

"For tonight's lesson, we'll be talking about how to behave in an emergency." Mr. Aizawa's monotone voice filled the room, "If you don't become more aware that you're falling behind your classmates, then the gap will keep on growing. In a broad sense, this knowledge is your reward. How's that for a treat?"

Our heads sulked with disappointment as he finished his lecture. We shuffled through the hallways of the concrete building until Aizawa halted in front of a metal sliding door, pushing it aside to reveal an almost empty classroom.

"Oh, strange. Now who do we have here?" I peered into the classroom, where a smug-looking Monoma stared back at the five of us. "Five members of Class A bombed the exams? And look there's only one guy from Class B! You must be so embarrassed!"

"You failed too, idiot!" I retorted, unable to tolerate Monoma's arrogant attitude. What a jerk.

Sero, Mina, Eijiro, Sato, and I walked further into the classroom, picking our seats from the many empty ones available.

Eijiro took a seat near me, muttering to the rest of our group, "He tried to get under our skin the same way yesterday."

"At this point, I'm kinda worried about him..." Mina replied as Monoma's psychotic laughter echoed through the room.

"So Vlad, why don't we start with practice maneuvers?" Mr. Aizawa addressed the Class B homeroom teacher, Vlad King, one of Japan's many pro heroes, and unfortunately Monoma's teacher.

"I was thinking the same thing. Perhaps we should pair them up?"

"Everyone" Mandalay's voice suddenly echoed in my head

The class began to murmur, and Eijiro muttered, "It's Mandalay's telepath."

"So weird right!" Mina chuckled, "It's giving me chills."

"It is sort of annoying that it only works in one direction though." I pointed out.

"Stop talking." Mr. Aizawa demanded, covering his ear in an attempt to drown out our conversation.

Mandalay's voice cut into my head again. "Two villains attacked us. It's possible there are more coming. Everyone return to camp immediately. We're regrouping. Do not engage any enemies."

"I'll look after the other students!" Mr. Aizawa announced before swiftly turning toward the door and rushing out of the room. "Protect them!"

My heart raced as silence filled the classroom, Mandalay's message still lingered in my mind. She said there were only two villains, but what if there's more? Where is everyone else? Are they regrouping here? Where's Y/N? The worry gnawed at me, distracting me from the ongoing conversation.

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