Chapter 2 - First Day at School

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Crashing out on the air mattress around eight o'clock at night was a total surprise, but it was surprisingly more comfortable than I thought. Letting out a tired yawn, I propped myself up and looked around my empty room. Right there on the floor, my phone was sitting next to the mattress, and of course my alarm was having a field day with its annoying beeping. I picked up my phone and looked at the time.

7:01 AM

Ugh, this is gonna be a struggle.Time to get it together.

My trusty suitcase sat open by the foot of the air mattress. Giving it a nudge, I dug through my clothes, hunting for that new school uniform. A blue skirt paired with a crisp white shirt, plus a dreary gray coat and a pop of red from the tie. Well, I guess I could be stuck with something worse.

I gathered up the uniform pieces and shuffled my way to the bathroom ready for a much needed shower and an outfit change. The day was calling, after all. Turning on the shower faucet, the cold water quickly woke me from my half asleep-half awake state. But I couldn't help but replay the upcoming school day in my mind.

New beginnings, a new school, new faces. And it doesn't help that I'm starting school almost a month late. My parents wanted to wait until my school year in New York was over until we ventured to Japan to start afresh. Kinda sucks I won't get a summer break this year.

Dressed in my uniform, I took a moment to fix the tie just right. Looking at my reflection, I tried to muster some confidence. Maybe it'll be okay. I grabbed my wet towel and sleep clothes and made my way back to my room. With one last glance around the room, I grabbed my bag, slinging it over my shoulder.

Walking down stairs, each step was filled with anxiety and anticipation. At the bottom of the staircase, there he was, my dad. Running around in the kitchen, looking like a chicken with his head cut off.

"There she is! Our future number one hero!" He smiled, "Are you ready for your grand debut at school?"

"Hardly," I chuckle, swiping a piece of toast from the plate on the kitchen table. "So, where's mom?"

Dad slid a jar of strawberry jam my way, my absolute favorite. "Well, she's caught up at work..."

"Already? I thought she would take a day off today."

"Yeah me too, but you know things can change on a dime." My dad sighed. I could see the disappointment on his face. "Well anyways, let's look on the bright side! I'm sure you'll have an amazing day at school today."

"Let's hope so. Fingers crossed," I mumbled as I moved toward the front door, my hand hesitating for a moment before gripping the doorknob. Stepping outside, my dad's words echoed in my brain.

UA wasn't a huge trek from home, just a mere 15-minute walk on foot. But each step on the way there felt like a mile on its own. As if 15 minutes felt like an eternity. I rounded a corner, and suddenly an enormous glass building stood before me. Standing just moments away from the school entrance, I couldn't help but be dumb-struck by the sheer scale of the high school before my eyes.

 Standing just moments away from the school entrance, I couldn't help but be dumb-struck by the sheer scale of the high school before my eyes

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