Chapter 9 - The Night Before

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I was sprawled out on my bed, gazing up at the ceiling. It was nearly 10 o'clock at night, and the gravity of the soon approaching sports festival was sinking in. I can't believe this is happening. I reached for my phone on the nightstand and decided to distract myself by scrolling through Instagram. It was a futile attempt really, because no matter how much I scrolled, my nerves still kept building. Suddenly, a notification popped up on my screen.

5 Unread Messages From : Kaminari



You busy?

I hope not :DD

I'm just out on a late night walk and I

saw that your lights on

Or at least I think it's your bedroom light???

A chuckle escaped my lips as I pushed myself up from my bed, looking out my bedroom window. Kaminari was standing on my front lawn, looking a little sheepish but also determined. I raised an eyebrow, a mixture of surprise and amusement filled me. Without missing a beat, I grabbed my phone and held it up. I pointed at it and then back at him, hoping he understood my silent message : check your phone. With a quick tap, I found his contact and hit the call button. He answered right away.

"A little creepy to be standing outside my window, dont'cha think?" I laughed while looking down at him through the glass pane.

Kaminari only shrugged, "I mean, it's only weird if you make it weird."

"You know, just cuz we live on the same street doesn't mean you have the right to stalk me." I said while rolling my eyes.

"Well, I was just out for a little night walk, and I wanted to see if you would maybe wanna join?"

I glanced at the clock on my wall, debating for a moment. It was getting late, but the idea of a spontaneous night adventure was surprisingly tempting. "Alright, give me a minute," I said, ending the call and quickly changing into more comfortable clothes away from the window. After slipping on a hoodie and sneakers, I grabbed my phone and keys and headed downstairs.

As I stepped out onto the porch, Kaminari greeted me with a cheerful wave. "I'm honestly surprised you said yes."

"Well there's not much else to do at 10 o'clock at night. But lead the way, night owl."

We started walking down the quiet streets, the sound of our footsteps echoing in the night. The air was cool and crisp, and the city's usual hustle had faded into a calmness. The faint glow of streetlights illuminated our path as we strolled, exchanging casual banter.

"So, where exactly are we headed?" I questioned with a curious smile.

"Well, I kinda figured that since you've only been in Japan for two weeks, you haven't really had a chance to explore the small things around here," Kaminari replied, his voice carrying a playful tone. We continued walking down the street, turning onto a side road. "There's a park just a few minutes from our street. Hopefully, it's something you haven't discovered yet."

A park? I mean, I know our neighborhood is pretty expansive, but I had no idea there was a park nearby. "To be honest, I didn't even know there was a park around here," I chuckled, shaking my head in surprise.

"Well, in that case, I'm glad you didn't find out sooner," Kaminari teased, his smile widening as we approached a small grassy area. In the near distance, a dimly lit playground came into view, a gentle glow casted over the surroundings.

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