Rise of the Turtles part 2

Start from the beginning

Raph POV 

"I know you're a little worried about me. Look, I'm not gonna lie to you. We've never gone into a fight like this, and I don't know what's gonna happen. But you don't have to worry. I will make it back. I love you, man." I said to Spike, my pet turtle. 

"Aww. Are you talking to your pet turtle?" Mikey asked. 

"No. Shut up!" I exclaimed. 

"That's adorable." Mikey said. 

"Oh, I'm gonna crush you! I'm gonna shellac you!" I yelled as I chased after Mikey with a wooden spoon. 


I hear Raph yelling at Mikey, I groaned and went into the dojo. 

"So much for meditating." I groaned.  

"I think this plan is gonna work." Leo stated. 

"No plan ever survives contact with the enemy. It is how you react to the unexpected that will determine if you and your brothers succeed." Father stated. 

"Sensei, do you think I'm ready for this?" Leo asked. 

"Leonardo, I made you leader for a reason." Father stated. 

"What is that reason?" Leo asked. 

"That is for you to discover on your own." Father stated. 

"There's so much riding on this. What if something goes wrong?" Leo asked, sounding a little worried. 

"Failure is a possibility every leader must face, Leonardo. It is something I had to face in Japan during my final battle with my enemy, the Shredder. Years ago, Oroku Saki, as Shredder was called then, had been my friend, but the love of a woman came between us. He could not accept it, and his jealousy turned outward in a vengeful attack. And while he could not defeat me that day, my world fell and crumbled around me as the battle took the life of my beloved Tang Shen, and I lost my baby daughter, Miwa." Father stated. 

"But that's my point, Sensei. You lost everything." Leo stated. 

"I lost many things. My family, my home, my name. But I gained many things as well, like the five of you." Father stated, putting his hand on Leo's shoulder. 

"Don't worry. We can handle this." I stated. 

"Get back here!" Raph yelled with Mikey screaming. 

"Hang on, give me a minute." I said as I started chasing after Raph and Mikey. 

"Come on Raph, leave Mikey alone!" I shouted. 

3rd Person POV

April and her dad, Kirby tried to get out the Kraang cell, but it failed and know we are going outside.  

"They'll be here any minute." Snake stated. 

"Kraang, are those who are coming to this place coming to this place? I lack that knowledge, Kraang. I will inquire of Kraang about that knowledge. Do you have the knowledge if those coming to this place are near this place, Kraang?" Kraang said to each other. 

"They're turtles and a human girl! Call them turtles and the girl! 'Are the turtles and the girl here?'" Snake asked. 

"There are lights of a vehicle which contain that which you wish us to call the turtles coming to this place which you wish us to call here." Kraang stated. 

"What are you talking about?" Snake asked. 

Snake turns to see van barreling towards him and the gate. Kraang along rooftop begin firing weapons. Van crashes into gate and explodes in fireball. Snake is on the ground and as he gets up, ooze splashes on him. He begins screaming as he starts to mutate.

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