My brows furrow as I stare back, " You made me something?"

He nods,  " Since I'm no longer your babysitter I have alot more free time, so I sat in my bed one night and contemplated my life choices.."

I roll my eyes, " Your so dramatic-"

He holds a finger almost to my mouth as he still talks, " - And I thought.. I need a new hobby."

I still stand there trying to to laugh as he goes on his little rant, " So I've been trying different things and I found a new passion.." He quickly pulls out a small little wooden dragon that looks so much like Andarna. " Whittling." 

My eyes widened as he hands me the small statue. " Liam you carved this?!"

He smiles widely, " I know it's good. I'm alo good at-"

" - Don't ruin the moment dumbass." I say quickly looking at him. " Thank you. I love it, truly." I quickly wrap him in a hug, he seems to tense before his arms wrap around me softly. " I love a hug but a kiss would be better." He mumbled, I could hear his grin through his tone.

I pull away raising a brow, " A kiss?"

He nods, " You know, in some places they use kissing as a form of appreciation."

" Do they?" I ask sarcastically.

He tilts his head coming closer, " Oh yea...they definitely do."

He's to damn sly for his own good...

Don't get me wrong, he's beyond attractive... he's basically perfect in everyway. I feel maybe I should try this..maybe. He's a good choice, the safe choice. THE Choice...

But something seems to stop me. But I can't exactly put my finger on it.

I tilt my head, " You know what.. I'll meet you in the middle.."

" Not a good choice.." Rhys says amusingly in my head.

I ignore him looking at Liam who looks a little taken back. " Wait..seriously?"

I laugh, " How about a kiss.." I lean in, almost slowly seeing his face instantly blush as I kiss his cheek. " Is that enough appreciation?"

He opens his mouth but the words don't come out right away, he chuckles " Not sure maybe another?"

I was about to respond when I have almost this annoyed feelign rush in me for just a moment, my head snaps to the right when I see Xaden walking..very briskly in our direction. I could see almost a shine on his forehead as I looked like he was running as he comes up to us. 

" The hell are you doing out of your room?!" Xaden snaps looking directly at me.

I scoff, " I'm with Liam, I think I'm safe."

His eyes shift to the blonde who had an oh shit  expression on his face. Xaden nods lightly, " Had to sneak here before I get her under lock and key?" He questions raising his scarred brow.

Liam looks unamused, his eyes shifting to the corner where...

I turn to Xaden, " DO NOT tell me you've been spying on me Xaden Riorson?" I almost yell. " That is... a major reach in boundaries."

His eyes float lazily to me, " There are no boundaries when it comes to you and yiur safety. What if some assholes try breaking in your room? You'd be dreaming unaware.. while I'd hear and save I seem to do quite often."

He adds a sarcastic smirk just adding fuel to the fire of rage that was burning within me.

" Why are you even here?! Shouldn't you be with the other Wingleaders prepping for this Squad shit?" I question.

Liam tilts his head with a small smirk..he needs to know something.. I could just tell in his expression..

Xaden quirks his lip, " I was.. I just needed to make sure your ass was up. They deduct points if your even a second late. It's in the rules."

" What rule is that?" Liam asks with a wide smirk. " What section Wing leader? Tell us." 

Xaden sends him a look, " It's in the rules. I just needed to make sure."

" Well I can escourt Freya if you need to run back. You must've been really concerened if she was up or not because I can't tell you the last time I've seen you run." He seems to tease, almost cracking a laugh.

Xaden takes a step, his expression looking a mixed between amused and annoyed " Careful." He takes a step back, " It's close enough, better to get down there and ready then late. I'll walk you both down."

I look between the two of them, Liam seeming to almost be laughing and Xaden who sent him a look.. with obvious tension in the air.

" What am I missing here?"

" Nothing." Xaden spits quickly. " Just.. shut up and lets get going."

" Yea, listen to the Gauntlet star over here.." Liam shoots back.

" Liam." Xaden snaps. " Enough."

" Before we go.." I quickly open my palm. "Let me quickly put this in my room."

Xaden glances down at the small dragon in my hand. " What's that?"

" Liam made it for me." I smile at Liam then looking at Xaden.

His brow raises, " Interesting."

I was quick to put it in my room, when walking out both of them looked.. a little pissed.

" Let's go.." Xaden says glancing at Liam then me before walking.

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