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I wake up and feel something on my chest. It is my dear Alice, sleeping peacefully. She is like an angel to me, my soulmate. Finally having her wasn't easy, but it was worth it. I remember the day I met her, my little Alice.

Back then, I don't care much about love or getting married. I am all about business, business, and more business. But when I meet Alice, everything changes. She brings peace into my life, like a missing puzzle piece falling into place. I recall the scene vividly.


I was sitting in a café, reading the daily news when a soft voice interrupted my thoughts. 

Looking up, I saw a young girl, about four or five years old, standing next to my table, her eyes full of curiosity

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Looking up, I saw a young girl, about four or five years old, standing next to my table, her eyes full of curiosity. 

"Excuse me, can I share this table with you?" she asked politely

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"Excuse me, can I share this table with you?" she asked politely. I was taken aback by her innocence and good manners, but I nodded and welcomed her to sit with me. As she settled into the seat across from me, she offered me some cookies, a gesture that warmed my heart.

In that moment, something inside me shifted. Despite being focused on business and the challenges of daily life, I felt a sense of calmness and peace wash over me in the presence of this young girl. It was a feeling I didn't realize was missing until then.

As I enjoyed the cookies and engaged in a simple conversation with Alice, I found myself drawn to her infectious joy and genuine warmth. In her presence, the stresses of my busy life seemed to disappear, replaced by a newfound sense of happiness and contentment.

Little did I know at the time, but that chance encounter with Alice marked the beginning of a beautiful journey.

I casually started dating alexandra. However, everything changed when Alexandra introduced me to her daughter, Alice.

Meeting Alice again was a turning point in my life. I felt an instant connection forming between the two of us. As Alexandra shared more about her past, including the abusive nature of her ex-husband, my protective instincts kicked in, especially when I learned that Alice was in danger of her father's violent tendencies.

The mere thought of anyone harming Alice ignited a fire within me. Despite my initial intentions of dating Alexandra casually, I couldn't bear the idea of standing idly by while Alice remained vulnerable to her father's abuse.

In that moment, I made a life-altering decision. I resolved to marry Alexandra, not for love or companionship, but to provide Alice with the stable, loving environment she desperately needed. I saw in Alice the daughter I never had, and I was determined to be the father figure she deserved.

My decision to marry Alexandra wasn't driven by romantic feelings for her, but by a deep sense of responsibility and love for Alice. I knew that by marrying Alexandra, I could offer Alice the protection, care, and stability she needed to thrive.

As the days went by after I married Alexandra, I found myself completely immersed in a world of father-daughter moments with Alice. From teaching her how to ride a bike in the park to late-night story sessions filled with giggles and imagination, every moment spent with Alice was a priceless treasure.

One afternoon, I took Alice on a spontaneous adventure to the nearby forest. As we held hands, we explored the winding paths and hidden clearings, sharing secrets and dreams along the way. 

Watching her eyes light up with wonder at the sight of a squirrel or a fluttering butterfly made me realize how much joy she brought into my life.

Another cherished memory was the day we built her first treehouse in the backyard. With sawdust in my hair and paint on my clothes, we worked side by side, creating a magical sanctuary where Alice could let her imagination soar.

But amidst all the adventures and laughter, there were also tender moments of comfort and reassurance. Like the time when Alice had a bad dream and crawled into my arms, seeking solace in my embrace. 

In those moments, I realized the depth of the bond we shared—a bond forged not by blood, but by love, trust, and unwavering devotion.

Through every hug, every laugh, and every whispered "I love you," I found fulfillment in being Alice's father figure. And as I watched her grow and flourish under my care, I knew that my decision to marry Alexandra had been the greatest gift of all—for it had brought me the greatest joy of my life, my dear Alice.

As the years passed, my protective instincts towards Alice only grew stronger. I found myself constantly keeping a watchful eye on her, ensuring her safety and well-being at all times.

 However, as Alice reached the age of 13, I began to realize that my feelings for her had evolved beyond mere paternal affection.

My heart was filled with a deep, intense love for Alice, a love that I struggled to understand and accept. 

Yet, before I could come to terms with these newfound emotions, my wife Alexandra started to notice my possessive behavior towards Alice.

In a sudden and unexpected turn of events, Alexandra made the decision to send Alice away to London while I was on a business trip.

The news hit me like a ton of bricks, igniting a fierce anger within me. How could Alexandra separate me from the one person who meant everything to me?

The realization that Alexandra might prevent me from seeing Alice if I were to divorce her filled me with a sense of desperation. 

I knew that I couldn't bear to be separated from Alice, not for a single moment. She was the light of my life, the reason for my existence.

Despite my lack of love for Alexandra, the thought of losing access to Alice drove me to reconsider my options. Divorcing Alexandra seemed like an impossible choice, as it would risk losing any chance of maintaining a relationship with Alice.

Determined to keep Alice in my life at any cost, I grappled with the complex emotions swirling inside me. My love for Alice had become an all-consuming force, driving me to make decisions I never thought possible.

I held myself back, pretending to love Alexandra so she wouldn't suspect my real intentions. Even after she sent Alice to London, I kept a close watch over my dear Alice. I made sure she was safe, even from afar. 

I hired bodyguards to protect her, and I didn't let any other guys near her. Alice was mine, and mine alone.

I let her finish her education because I knew that once she was done, she would be with me forever. Every day, I longed for the moment when Alice would come back to me, and we could be together without anyone standing in our way. But until then, I made sure she was safe and protected, because she meant everything to me.

But one thing remained clear, I would do whatever it takes to ensure that Alice remained a part of my life, forever.


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