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It was well past midnight, and Dante remained hunched over his office desk, entrenched in work that had consumed him for several months. His dedication was aimed at securing his dream project. Unfortunately, this intense focus on work meant missing out on meals and precious conversations with Livia. He longed for those moments of shared meals and chats.

At 12:30 am, Dante finally decided to call it a night. He packed up his belongings and made his way home. Upon arriving, he headed straight for the dining table, hungry for a late-night dinner. After satisfying his hunger, he retired to his room.

As he walked through the quiet halls toward his room, he noticed a soft glow emanating from Livia's room. Curious, he ventured in and discovered her sleeping in an awkward position while engrossed in a book.

Gently, he took the book from her hands and adjusted her into a more comfortable sleeping position. In her half-asleep state, Livia instinctively grasped Dante's hand. He smiled at this innocent gesture, admiring her features, feeling his heart race a bit faster.

Reluctantly, Dante withdrew his hand, stifling the unexpected rush of emotions. He quietly switched off the light and left her room, retreating to his own.

While changing into fresh clothes, he couldn't shake off the forbidden yet delightful feelings that lingered from their fleeting moment.


Today marked a crucial project meeting for Dante. He gathered with his investors in a meeting room, diving into discussions about the project. After thorough deliberations, they completed all the necessary procedures, successfully securing the project.

Dante felt an overwhelming sense of joy and accomplishment.Filled with gratitude towards the investors and the diligent employees who played a significant role in the project's success, Dante directed his assistant to organize an event. This event aimed to honor and appreciate the hard work and dedication of the investors and his company's employees.

Dante wanted to celebrate their contributions and show his heartfelt appreciation for their efforts. He thinks about the Livia.

Leaving his office, Dante made his way to the shopping mall, determined to find the perfect dress for Livia. As he browsed through the elegant selections, a saleswoman approached him with a warm smile. "Looking for something special?" she asked kindly.

Dante nodded, explaining, "I'm searching for a beautiful dress, something elegant, for a special someone."The saleswoman, perceptive to his hesitation, inquired gently, "For your girlfriend or wife, perhaps?"Dante hesitated for a moment, his mind juggling how to respond. "Actually," he began, "it's for my niece.

Understanding his wish to keep things discreet, the saleswoman nodded understandingly. She guided Dante through a variety of choices, showcasing different styles and colors. Amidst the array of options, his eyes settled on a stunning blue dress that exuded elegance.

After choosing the dress, Dante swiftly made the purchase, stealing a glance at the time afterward. Determined to arrive at Livia's academy before her classes ended. Upon reaching the academy, Dante scanned the bustling crowd until he spotted Livia engrossed in conversation with a boy.

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