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Ranvijay was engrossed in a crucial video call meeting when the door to his office creaked open, and an unexpected visitor silently entered.

Ranvijay, sensing a familiar presence, decided to play along and closed his eyes as he felt hands covering them. A mischievous grin adorned his face as he pretended surprise.

With a keen sense, Ranvijay recognized the touch and, suppressing a smile, decided to indulge the mystery.

"Who's there?" he exclaimed with feigned surprise. Giggles ensued, and the hands were lifted, revealing Tiya, his daughter, standing there with mischief dancing in her eyes.

 Giggles ensued, and the hands were lifted, revealing Tiya, his daughter, standing there with mischief dancing in her eyes

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"Papa, you're silly!" she laughed, announcing her presence. "It's lunchtime!" Tiya burst into laughter, and the joyful moment turned into a playful encounter.

Ranvijay, still caught up in his professional commitment, requested just five more minutes.

Determined to make the most of the fleeting time, he swiftly concluded his video call meeting. Tiya, understanding her father's responsibilities, patiently waited.

With the video call meeting completed, Ranvijay scooped Tiya into his arms, promising to join her for lunch in just five minutes. Descending the stairs with his daughter, he reached the dining table, he found his father already seated, eagerly anticipating the family lunch.

Generations converged at the table as Ranvijay's father lovingly took Tiya into his arms.
The family unit expanded as Ruhanika, Ranvijay's wife, and their son Dev joined them.

Dev, a reflection of his father's reserved nature, held onto the pallu of his mother's saree, showcasing a unique bond.

The family had been blessed with twins, a son and a daughter, who mirrored Ranvijay's features but differed in temperament

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The family had been blessed with twins, a son and a daughter, who mirrored Ranvijay's features but differed in temperament.

As the family sat together for lunch, enjoying the warmth of togetherness, Ranvijay's father took Tiya from his son's arms, sharing a grandfather-granddaughter moment.

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