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Alice sat on the bench outside the hospital room where her step-father, Lucas, was admitted. As she gazed into the distance, her thoughts wandered through the complex tapestry of her life.


Born to Max and Alexandra Laurent, Alice's true parents were orphans who found love in the confines of an orphanage.

After leaving the orphanage, they tied the knot and initially lived a life filled with love.

However, the arrival of Alice marked a turning point. Max, who worked as a manager in a company, faced adversity when the company went bankrupt, resulting in his job loss.

With the family income diminished, Alexandra, Alice's mother, worked tirelessly at a boutique to meet their basic needs.

Max struggled to find employment, and the prolonged joblessness took a toll on his mental health.

He turned to alcohol as a coping mechanism, and the love that once defined their family seemed to evaporate.

The once-loving husband and father became abusive, especially when he couldn't secure money for his drinks. The household echoed with Max's shouts, and his desperation sometimes escalated into violence.

The breaking point came when Alice was only four years old. In a moment of darkness, Max attempted to harm her, prompting Alexandra to make a courageous decision.

Faced with the safety of her daughter, Alexandra chose to divorce Max and leave the city with Alice, seeking a new beginning and a chance at a safer, happier life.

Both mother and daughter came to Milan to start their new life. Alexandra found a job as an assistant in a renowned brand store, marking the beginning of a new chapter for her and her daughter, Alice.

Fate took a surprising turn when Alexandra crossed paths with Lucas Moreau, a wealthy businessman with extensive ventures in Venice.

As time unfolded, a gentle romance blossomed between Alexandra and Lucas, leading to their marriage after a year.

Lucas, despite his busy schedule, embraced the role of a caring stepfather to Alice.

When Alice turned six, the couple decided to get married, strengthening their family bond.

Life seemed perfect as Lucas embraced his responsibilities with devotion and care.

He spent quality time playing games with Alice, preparing her breakfast, accompanying her to school, picking her up, and even sharing bedtime stories.

In the absence of Alexandra, Lucas stepped up to fill the void, ensuring Alice felt loved and supported.

However, as Alexandra's career advanced with a better job, her time with Alice decreased, but Lucas remained a constant source of support.

Lucas continued to be Alice's unwavering source of comfort and joy, attending all her school events and annual functions. Alice, in turn, developed a deep affection for Lucas, confiding in him about the ups and downs of her life.

As Alice entered adolescence, Alexandra made the decision to send her to a prestigious university in London for a quality education.

Despite the physical distance, the bond between Alice and her stepfather Lucas remained strong. Regular calls and messages bridged the gap, and Lucas continued to be a guiding presence in Alice's life.

Eight years later, Alice returned to Venice, eager to surprise her parents. However, the joyous reunion took a tragic turn when she received a distressing call from the police at the airport.

Her parents had been in a severe accident, and Alexandra did not survive. The car had plunged from a bridge into a fast-flowing river.

Devastated, Alice rushed to the hospital, where she learned that Lucas, though badly injured, had miraculously survived.

The police were still attempting to locate the submerged car, hinting at the grim possibility that Alexandra might not have survived.

In the hospital, Alice confronted the harsh reality of losing her only family.

When Lucas regained consciousness, he seemed disoriented, whispering Alexandra's name and attempting to touch Alice's face, mistaking her for his late wife.

Concerned, Alice called for the doctor, and as the medical professional examined Lucas, he suddenly fainted again, clutching his head in agony.

Alarmed by the unsettling turn of events, the doctor ushered Alice out of the room, advising her to give Lucas some space.

Perplexed and overwhelmed, Alice sat on a bench outside, grappling with the sudden twists in her life.

The unanswered questions and the eerie confusion surrounding Lucas's condition left her in a state of shock.


Alice was startled when the doctor explained that her stepfather, Lucas, had temporary amnesia. Due to head injuries, he mistook her for his wife, Alexandra.

The doctor urged Alice to play along, pretending to be Alexandra until Lucas regained his memory.

She was instructed to hide anything connected to Alexandra and create a comforting environment for Lucas to aid his recovery.

Alice felt conflicted, torn between following the doctor's advice and the ethical dilemma of deceiving her stepfather.

Uncertain of how to proceed, she grappled with the challenging task of maintaining the facade and providing Lucas with the support needed for his recovery.


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