Slowly he reaches the house's staircase and when he looks up he sees Joshua, curled up in his comforter with a stuffed toy in his hand. Jeonghan find him adorable, so he puts one of his feet on a step, but Joshua stops him.

" Don't go up ! Stay down I don't want to see you."

" If you don't go down, I go up Shua. Whether you want to or not, we don't need to talk."

" I've got nothing to say to you."

" Shuji-ya ! We grew up together, why do you suddenly stop talking to me ? What have I done ? I'm going crazy. This situation drive me fucking crazy."

Jeonghan starts to climb the steps and Joshua begins to cry, guided by his heart he starts to descend the steps too and once he gets close to his elder he feels the latter come to embrace him.

" Explain to me what's going on and we'll find a solution. "

" Go up with me, we're going to be more confortable in my room."

The blond simply nods, letting go of the younger boy and following him to his room, where he sees some photos hanging on the wall. Photos of him and Joshua, photos of Joshua and his cousin and even photos of Joshua and Seungcheol together.

Nevertheless, there's a specific wall for each duo, and the wall filled with photos of him and Joshua is magnificent, surrounded by a garland of lights, candles and rose petals, making it all the more romantic.

" This wall is beautiful, oh my god..."

" Jeonghan, I'm sorry I acted like that, I'm simply so confused that I preferred to stop all contact with you."

" What's the reason for your confusion ? "

" My feelings towards you."

Joshua's cheeks begin to heat up and his gaze begins to stare at the wall filled with photos of him and Jeonghan, he has no idea where to start or what to say, nevertheless he knows that now that he's started, Jeonghan isn't going to let him go, so he expresses himself.

" I discovered my feelings for you a few years ago now, honestly at first it was just a little crush but as time went by my feelings evolved and my crush turned into outright love, I know I'm in love with you but I didn't mind being your friend with his feelings buried deep inside me."

He pauses slightly and catches his breath before starting to speak again.

" Chan discovered my feelings for you and he slightly pushed me to express myself nevertheless I never succeeded, then we made a pact if he managed to ask Seungcheol on a date, I had to confess my feelings to you. The date between him and Seungcheol was made so I had to tell you how I felt."

He sighed slightly as he recalled that day, happy for his cousin but stressed at the thought of telling Jeonghan about it.
Seeing the younger man's condition, the blond slowly puts his hand on the boy's, encouraging the black-haired man to continue.

" I was ready to do it and as I approached you, I saw your back pressed up against the lockers with a girl kissing you mouth to mouth. At the sight of this I confess my heart broke and I told myself that the best way to forget you was to ignore you. Nevertheless it doesn't work because I know I still love you. "

Joshua lowers his head to the ground, and quickly feels Jeonghan caress his hand with his own, this soothes him and really does him good, his elder's touch has always had this effect on him, it's always been right to calm and soothe him.

Jeonghan assimilates all Joshua's words and honestly starts to think about his own feelings, he knows he finds Joshua attractive, he knows he's gay, he knows he doesn't want a life without Joshua in it, he knows that being without his youngest drives him crazy. Maybe, on reflection, he can come to just one conclusion : he's in love with Joshua too.

He's been too stupid and blinded by their friendship, but if he's honest with himself he knows full well that the starry dreams with Joshua in them, the many times he's touched himself thinking of his younger self, the number of times he's dreamt of kissing Joshua, all these are proof of how he really feels about his friend.

" Shuji-ya, I'll be honest with you, I have feelings for you too, I've often dreamt of the two of us kissing and even going further than kissing. This girl at the time was crazy about me, really crazy. I'd told her I was gay and she didn't like it, so she kissed me. I automatically pushed her away and insulted her. "

At this Joshua turns his head towards Jeonghan, who doesn't waste a single second more. In his eyes, they've already wasted enough time as it is, so he places his lips on Joshua's. The latter has trouble reacting, but once his brain realizes the situation, he returns the kiss to his elder.

Their hands become active on each other's bodies and their tongues come to play together, binding and unbinding, and after a few minutes they're forced to pull back from each other to catch their breath.

Jeonghan looks at the youngest and jumps up to hug him, of course Joshua this time returns the embrace with a gentle smile on his lips and eyes sparkling with happiness.

" I'm glad I came here, I've missed you so much."

" I'm glad you came, and I missed you too."

" Are you coming back to school ? It's very long without you."

" Of course it is. I've missed a lot and it's time I caught up."

" I'll help."

Joshua places a simple kiss on his eldest's neck in thanks, and the sweet moment makes both boys chuckle. Now that the whole situation has been cleared up, there's nothing to separate the duo and they can go back to being inseparable.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

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