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Top : Jeonghan

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For some time now, Joshua has been completely ignoring Jeonghan. In fact, the black-haired boy doesn't even go to his school any more, precisely because he doesn't want to see the blond.

Honestly, the boy doesn't understand why the younger man ignores him so much when everything was going so well between them. I mean, they're good friends, very good friends indeed, they've been doing everything together ever since Joshua arrived in Korea - the two men are literally inseparable.

So what's going on ? Jeonghan really has no idea, and yet he's been trying to figure it out, trying to send messages, even calling the younger man, but the latter has finally blocked him. Jeonghan was obviously annoyed by this, so he went straight to Joshua's house, but the young man's cousin simply said that the American didn't want to see him and that he should leave.

So it's been about a month since the blond has been lost between several emotions: he still likes his friend just as much, but part of him is angry with the younger man, and other emotions such as sadness and disgust easily take hold of him when he thinks of Joshua.

Right now the boy is sitting on a bench in his school and can't stop thinking about Joshua, then suddenly a voice calls out to him.

" Han, I know it's not easy but it's been a month there, you need to move on."

" Cheol, it's so hard without him. Honestly if I had a logical explanation for all this I could forget him easier but since I don't have an explanation I can't seem to forget him."

" There's an explanation that's understandable behind his actions, I assure you."

" How do you know that ? "

" I'm in a relationship with his cousin and he explained it to me. Nevertheless it's not for me to explain to you the reason behind his actions."

" Is he okay ? I mean Joshua, is he okay ? "

" Tell you what, I'm going to see Chan tonight. Come with me and you'll see for yourself if he's all right or not."

Jeonghan nods and goes about his day at the school with his head full of questions and his mind focused on Joshua.

At the end of the day, he and Seungcheol walk to Joshua and Chan's house. Once they arrive at the door, the eldest knocks and Jeonghan hides slightly behind his friend.

" Cheollie-hyung ! I'm... oh ? Why is Jeonghan with you ? Shua hyung doesn't want to see him."

The young man crosses his arms over his chest and Seungcheol comes straight over to give him a hug, discreetly telling him that the two men need to have a chat, while they go out and make a date.

Honestly, Chan hesitates, he doesn't want to betray his cousin like that, but his boyfriend's proposal is so tempting that he ends up accepting, and then Seungcheol is right, Joshua needs to explain himself to Jeonghan, they can't go on like this.

Chan detaches himself from his lover's arms, puts on his shoes and jacket and lets Jeonghan into the house before leaving with his lover outside. Jeonghan feels strange, even though he's set foot in this house countless times before, but for some reason today is different.

JiHan os book IIOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora