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The next day:
The atrocious aching of her skull made Prachi stir. It felt like a hammer hitting her skull every two seconds. Her hand went to her forehead and she slowly massaged her temples.

'Rise and shine, Preciosa...'

Ranbir, standing at the edge of the bed, told her smilingly.

Sleepily, she answered: 'Two more minutes, please.'
A small chuckle escaped him before he said: 'It's already noon, Prachi.'
Her eyes opened immediately and she sat hurriedly.

Prachi, worriedly: 'But I had doctor's appointment at 9:00... And I don't usually sleep till so late... My head...'

The pain silenced her and Ranbir began explaining her.
'It happens when you are drunk. Drink the lemon water, you will feel better.'

However, as soon as she heard that she was drunk, all colours drained from her face and she looked at her husband blankly.

Ranbir approached her and handed her the lemonade glass.
Ranbir: 'And I reschedule the appointment for 15:00.'

Prachi: 'What do you mean I got drunk? There was no alcohol there.'

Ranbir: 'Some of the guys must have got it and you got one drink by mistake.'
Prachi, worriedly: 'Did I do something? Something out of place?'

She lowered her gaze in shame instinctively which was noticed by Ranbir and he frowned.

Ranbir, as softly as he can: 'No, you didn't do anything wrong. And it's okay, Prachi. Don't feel bad because of that.'

Prachi: 'When we came back home, did your parents see us?'

Ranbir: 'Yeah but it's all fine.'
When she looked up at him, it's only then that he noticed the tears in her eyes.

Ranbir, surprised: 'Heeyyy... It's fine.' And he leaned forward to hug her.

Prachi, crying: 'I am really sorry, Ranbir... I really don't know how I got drunk. I didn't drink intentionally.'

Ranbir, hugging her: 'I know, Prachi. I was there. It's not your fault. Shhh...'

Prachi, afraid: 'Sorry...'
Ranbir: 'Shhh, it's all good.'

Prachi, breaking the hug: 'You are not angry at me?'

Ranbir: 'No, Baby... no.' He caressed her cheeks tenderly but she wasn't calming down.

Prachi: 'What did I do? Please tell me... what did I do?'
He looked at her worriedly because he never saw her so panicky.

Ranbir, calmly: 'Okay, Princess, okay...'
He cupped her face in his hands and began telling her what she did.

Ranbir: 'We... We talked, we kissed... not on the lips, but cheeks. Your neck, mine...'

He slightly lowered down his shirt and her eyes went there seeing the small hickey that she left. But quickly, she met his eyes again as he continued.

Ranbir, chuckling: 'We ran from your imaginary monster... and came back home. Kissed again and did a little more than kissing, but nothing that we haven't done before. You lost control and I did as well, but we did only what we had done previously done when we are both sober, okay?'

She only nodded yes, assuring him that she was following him.
Ranbir: 'We also talked to Mom and Dad a little bit and that's it.'

Prachi: 'Uncle and Aunty are not angry?'
Ranbir: 'No, Baby... absolutely no. In fact, they are the happiest right now.'

She looked at him confused so he clarified: 'Because you called them Mom and Dad yesterday. And I can't describe their happiness to you. They were so overjoyed. If you are comfortable, then address them like that only.'

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