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Ranbir entered the room with the necessary items for a sponge bath. He just had to take the shower gel from the washroom.

He saw Prachi in front of the wardrobe and asked:
« What happened? »
Prachi: « I am thinking what would be easier to wear... »
Ranbir: « Dress... »

Prachi, pouting: « But I don't really have another one. The one from yesterday is dirty. »
Ranbir: « Let me see... »
He stood next to her and his eyes went over the different clothing items.
She mostly wear jeans and hoodies and there were some traditional wears.

His scanning eyes went to the bottom of her clothes and noticed a rose gold satin cloth.
Ranbir: « Satin would be perfect, it will be easy to make you wear it. »

His right hand tried pulling the cloth but her unharmed hand stopped him.
Prachi: « NO... »
He looked at her surprised by her volume.

A little nervous chuckle escaped him.
Prachi: « Not this one, please. »

Ranbir: « Why not? It will be easy to make you wear it and it will avoid certain situations. »

Prachi, under her breath: « It will create new situations. »
R: « What did you say? »
P: « Nothing... not this one... »
R: « I will see myself, what is the problem? »

In a quick motion, he pulled the cloth and its overall fell on the floor. The dress opened in Ranbir's hands and his eyes went over it.

It was a satin rose gold night dress with spaghetti strap. It looked short from what he could see.
His nervous eyes moved to Prachi.

She quickly yanked it from his hands.
P: « Told you... »
He cleared his throat trying to find something to say but nothing came.
P: « Shahana had brought it for me to wear on our wedding night. She doesn't know that our relationship started in an abnormal way. Sorry... »

R: « No, it's all fine. But you can wear it, Prachi. It's comfortable and easy to wear. You could use the overall to cover if it's too much. »
P: « I really don't have any other option. »

He nodded no to her and she sighed desperately.
P: « Let's go for this one itself then. »

She took the clothes and a scarf and headed to their bed.
He went inside the washroom, got the shower gel and then returned.

He added a little shower gel to the water and approached her.
Prachi forwarded the scarf to him. His forehead scrunched in confusion and it encouraged her to elaborate.

P: « You are going to be blindfolded for this, Mr. Kohli. »
A little smirk appeared on his face: « As you say, Mrs. Kohli. »
He took the scarf and began tying it on his eyes.

Once his sight was restricted, other senses were highlighted.
He could hear her fast heartbeats and nervous breathing.

He took a step forward and put his hands forward but he stopped in mid air.
P, holding his hands: « I am here... wait. »
She placed her hands on the sling.
His one hand went to her neck and he unhooked it.

He held her injured arm and carefully slid the sling.

His hands went to the hem of her pajama shirt and he lifted it slowly.
Prachi helped by moving her body, and she was suddenly nervous as she stood in front of him half naked.

Her eyes went to him and she couldn't help but admire the way he was taking care of her.

He removed the shirt from her wounded hand and let it drop to the floor.
His hands then searched for the sponge but he couldn't find it.
Prachi, whispering: "Little bit to the right."
His hands touched the recipient of water and he dipped his hands in the warm water.

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