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An hour later, Ranbir had grown tired of playing. He turned it off and stretching his rigid body.
Staying in the same position for an hour was harmful.

His eyes went to the door and he walked out of the room. The sound of the tv was still coming.
Was she still watching tv?

He climbed down the stairs and headed to the living room. Indeed his wife was sitting on the couch watching some cartoon.
A smile formed on his lips when he saw what she was watching.
Giggles came from her as she watched 'Tom & Jerry.'

He leaned onto the couch, but she hasn't noticed him yet. Her concentration was on the tv.
Without disturbing her, he went to the kitchen and into the pantry.
He collected a few packets of chips and some chocolates.

Then, he joined her back. He placed the snacks beside her and that's when she looked at him.
Ranbir: "Watching cartoons without snacks... not good."
A bright smile formed on her lips and she took the chocolate first. He too settled next to her while she tried opening the chocolate.
When she couldn't, she looked at him cutely and forwarded the packet to him.

He chuckled and then proceeded to open it. He didn't just open it but break a piece and forwarded it to her.
To be able to feed her, he had to lean closer and her soft and beautiful eyes stared at him; knocking off his senses.

Her dark brown eyes were mirrors to him. They showed her every emotion and thoughts.
He was able to read her thoughts by her eyes...
Her damn beautiful and captivating eyes....

When Prachi opened her mouth that he came back from his reverie.
He put the piece of chocolate in her mouth and she eagerly ate it.

For the records, he took a piece and and ate it.
He didn't like too much sweetness but dark chocolate seemed to his wife's favourite, so why not try it.

Prachi looked at him a bit surprised but it soon turned into a full smile.
Prachi: "How is it?"
Ranbir: "It is ok..."
She huffed at him recalling almost the same reply for the hot chocolate he had drank in the café.

He handed her the whole chocolate and opened a packet of chips.

They watched the cartoon in silence. The only sound came from the wrappers of their snacks.

As one of the part ended, Ranbir broke the silence: "Hmm, for dinner, what do you want?
We could go out and..."

Prachi: "NO..."
He looked at her confused and surprised by her stern tone.
Ranbir, a little bit hurt: "Why?"

Prachi: "because then we will have to dress me up again and we will once again..."

She bit her teeth in order to stop herself.
On recalling the earlier incident, he too realised what she meant.

Prachi: "I am not refusing you, but we will go once I can get ready on my own."
A chuckle escaped him and he nodded yes.

Prachi: "I will not forget that you owe me a date, Mr. Kohli..."
Ranbir, surprisingly: "A date?"
Prachi: "Yes... a date. That's why you wanted to take me out right? For a date?"
Her tone changed to a sad one and he fumbled to answer her.

Ranbir, nervously: "Yes... yeah...."
He continuously nodded to reassure her and himself.
But the sound of her laughters caught his attention.

It was only now that it dawned onto him that she was joking and teasing him.
Prachi, in between laughs: "You.... You were so nervous.... Sorry."

His hand went into his hair as he ruffled them nervously.
Ranbir: "Well, then you need to tell me your expectations as I haven't been on dates."

Prachi, with a scrunched forehead: "You must have gone out... with her..."

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