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The washroom door opened again when Prachi attempted to clean her uniform.
"I knew something was wrong when I saw them leaving."
She heard Shahana's voice.

She too tried helping Prachi but it was all sticky.
Shahana: "I should have a word with them..."
Prachi: "No, I don't want the party to be ruined and plus, Ranbir hasn't gotten angry on seeing her but this... he will definitely get angry..."

Shahana: "Okay, okay... but this..."
Prachi abandoned the cleaning.
"There is a hoodie in my looker, please get it for me. Until then I will try to wash hair."
Shahana nodded and hurriedly went out of the gymnasium.

In the meantime, Prachi tried her best to wash her hair and she had succeeded when she heard another knock on the door.
Prachi: "It's busy..."
"It's only me... are you okay?" She heard Aryan's voice.

Prachi: "Yeah, don't worry. I will be out in a few. You go and enjoy, okay?"
Aryan, doubtful: "Are you sure?"
Prachi: "Yeah, go. Shahana and I will come soon."
He agreed and left. Soon after, Shahana came in with a beige hoodie.
Shahana, confused: "Are you sure that it's your hoodie? It's oversized."
Prachi: "It's Ranbir's. I couldn't return him and it stayed in my bag. I had put in my locker."

Shahana: "Well, good thing."
Her mischievous smile confused Prachi and she questioned her but Shahana only brushed it away.
Shahana: "Go, change. The boys must be looking for us."
Prachi nodded and went inside to change but Shahana's smile only grew.

Shahana: "My dear Prachi... You are going to make a big statement without saying a word."
She grew excited as she knew that some drama will unfold soon.

On the other side:
Mayank went to Ranbir as soon as he saw him coming out of the washroom.
"Is everything good?"
Ranbir: "Yes, Bro. I thought I would react in a worse way but talking to Prachi earlier made me realize something."
Mayank took a second before nodding. Prachi's words were still ringing in his ear and mind. It had consumed him. His eyes went to Ranbir and a sudden guilt filled him.

Ranbir: "What happened to you?"
Mayank quickly engulfed his best friend in a hug which perplexed Ranbir. Nevertheless, he reciprocated the hug.
"A hug without me... not fair."
They both heard Aryan's voice. And he soon joined the hug. The trio hugged each other.
Aryan: "May our friendship last longer than ever..."
This made Ranbir chuckle while Mayank smiled weakly.

However, their attention diverted as they heard some gasps in the hall.
Aryan: "Why are they being so dramatic?"
They approached the scene which was occurring just in front of the girls' washroom.

They too grew surprised on seeing it and also knew the reason behind this big scene.
The girls had stepped out of the washroom capturing everyone's attention.

The crowd were shocked but mostly a particular person who was fuming. Samar too looked on and then his eyes moved to Rhea.
Shahana too watched Rhea with a smug smile.

Prachi instantly grew self-conscious and looked down in nervousness.
Prachi, whispering to her best friend: "Why are they looking at me like that?"
Shahana: "Well, you are wearing Ranbir's hoodie..."
Prachi: "Everyone does wear their boyfriend's hoodies. Why is it so special right now?"

Shahana, with a little smile on her face: "Well, it's not a normal one. It's Ranbir's untouchable hoodie."
As soon as Prachi registered that, her eyes grew bigger in size and then nervously dropped to the floor.
Shahana: "Even though, Aryan/Mayank and Ranbir shared their jackets/hoodies, they weren't allowed this one. And their whole batch knew that."

Prachi, on realising it: "And I am wearing the same hoodie in front of that batch only."
She nervously shifted on her foot.
Shahana, proudly: "Exactly..."
Prachi: "Why didn't you tell me before?"
Shahana: "Then we wouldn't have seen Rhea's expression to this."
Although she was curious, Prachi didn't dare to look up.
"Come on, guys. Let the party continues."
She heard Aryan's voice and slowly the gaze turned away from her.

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