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Prachi was in front of the mirror and she was almost ready. She had already put on her uniform and was now just curling the end of her hair.

Ranbir came out of the washroom just as she was wearing her shoes.
As her eyes met his casual shoes, her eyes shifted upwards and she took in his casual look.

He was wearing a casual t-shirt and jeans and as promised an all black outfit. Only his shoes differed from the black.
He completed his look with some accessories here and there but not too much.

Prachi's eyes went on him, not once but twice as she took in his handsomeness

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Prachi's eyes went on him, not once but twice as she took in his handsomeness.
The second time, her eyes met the smirk that had formed on his lips.

She knew she was caught red-handed and her cheeks turned slightly red. He was amused by her and that encouraged her to play with him.
Prachi: "My goodness, Mr. Kohli... you are looking so handsome."
Her compliment obviously had an effect on him. She too smirked on seeing his hand messing his perfectly combed hair.

Prachi, continuing: "And Mr. Kohli, you look even more cute when you blush. A rare sight reserved for me only."
That made him smile. He approached her and held her arms.

Prachi looked where he had held her and then at him.
Ranbir leaned closer and whispered into her ears: "You are looking breathtaking as well, Mrs. Kohli. And even more when you blush."
He moved back smirkingly while she was all smiles and with red cheeks.

Ranbir, teasingly: "Two can play this game."
He was about to move away to allow her some space but this time, she held him back.
Before Ranbir could ask, she wrapped her hands around his waist hugging him. She lay her head just where his heart resides and closed her eyes.
His rhythmic heartbeat was soothing and calmed her down.

Although he was unaware of what was the reason behind this sudden hug, he reciprocated it.
He held her close understanding that she probably needed it.
Prachi, softly: "You are going to be okay, right?"
He smiled when he realised that she was worried for him.

Ranbir, reassuringly: "I will be... and if ever I don't want to stay, I will just come and find you. We five will leave."
She nodded yes and then he signed her that they should leave.

At college:
The five of them reached at the same time, but the girls rushed in knowing that they are extremely late.
The boys met some of their friends outside the gymnasium and began talking to them.

The girls joined the others and saw how Rhea was instructing everyone that they can't make any mistake.
Prachi looked on awkwardly but didn't say anything. She didn't want any confrontation with her husband's ex at any cost.

As soon as Rhea told them to head towards their duties, Prachi was the first one to start moving.
But unfortunately fate wasn't by her side as she heard Rhea calling her name.
She sighed desperately and signed Shahana to go while she handled her.

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