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An hour went by since Ranbir has been driving. Prachi only looked out the window; enjoying the cool breeze touching her skin.
She had asked him their destination but he was as secretive as she had expected, so she gave up and enjoyed the night drive.

Once he got away from the busy roads, Ranbir's eyes would at times moved to his wife. Seeing her enjoying the breeze brought a few smiles.
The peace, satisfaction and happiness on Prachi's face made him question his beliefs.
His beliefs that was breaking only due to Prachi.

Every time, he glanced at her, his heart would beat faster and he would find himself admiring her simplicity.
He could feel the well guarded walls around his heart breaking bit by bits.
And the culprit was sitting beside him.

He couldn't ignore that she had managed to break his iciness. And she was the only thing he could think of.
He slightly shook his head and concentrated on the road.

Soon, Ranbir had stopped the car and her eyes checked the area.
Prachi: "You planned to leave me in the forest."
Ranbir, chuckling: "You deserve some kind of punishment for calling me Iceman."
The nickname was enough to bring back her smile.

They began unbuckling their seat belts.
Prachi: "Just know that if you leave me here, I will haunt you forever as a ghost."
That made him laugh.

Not just chuckle but he laughed fully. Prachi looked at him curiously but surprisingly also.
She would have taken a picture of that moment but didn't want anything to ruin it.

Ranbir: "Let's go..."
He helped her out of the car and then forwarded his hand to her.
She gladly took it and followed hid guidance. Despite the darkness, Ranbir walked confidently. He knew exactly where they were going.

They pushed through some big leaves and then he pointed to the front to Prachi.
Her eyes went wide open on seeing the scenery in front of her.

The lights illuminated the same area of their dinner table. The wooden bench and table lit up beautifully by lights suspended above.
The table itself was decorated by rose flowers and some petals were lazily placed here and there.

They had the mountain view just behind and it added s beautiful touch to their date.

They had the mountain view just behind and it added s beautiful touch to their date

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Prachi, mesmerized: "My goodness.... This is so beautiful."
Her eyes took in all the details at once and then moved to Ranbir.

Prachi: "This is out of the world.... Thank you, thank you..."
Excitedly, she hugged him which came as a surprise to him. He was about to reciprocate the hug, but an overexcited Prachi moved back and rushed to the table.

He followed her smilingly and both of them took their seats. They faced each other and Ranbir noticed the way her eyes lit up.
Prachi: "How did you plan this?"
Ranbir, nervously: "I got people to do it. Next time I will prepare it myself."
Prachi: "It's okay... this is really awesome."

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