Sixteen: Mommy Dearest

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Paris Delaney

Sable puked as I held her hair back to keep from getting in the way.

Once she finished she groaned laying back on her pillow and I sat the trashcan down beside her bed just in case there was a round three. She's been throwing up since I got her back home, all the food not settling well in her stomach.

"It came back to bite me in the butt." She whined, tears filling the corners of her eyes. "I told you, I couldn't handle all that food."

"I told you to slow down, no one said you had to try and eat everything in one bite. Not only that but you're not used to eating anything bigger than a salad. It's going to take some time for your body to accept."

"No. I'm only eating oatmeal, toast, vegetables, and drinking lemon water for the rest of my life."

No the fuck she wasn't. I'd be here every day, breakfast, lunch, and dinner just to make sure she was stuffing her face with food. Sable gagged and I reached for the can but she held up her hand shaking her head. "No, false alarm."

Taking the wet towel from the cold bowl of water I rung it before dabbing at her warm skin. She sighed softly, closing her eyes , exhaust probably settling in. "I— I have to get up. I have to save all of my clothes."

"You're not doing anything except going to sleep. I'll put everything away, don't worry about it."

Sable reached to touch my hand and I thread our fingers together kissing the back of her hand. "Thank you... for today and being here now. You've been nice to me. Well for the most part."

She smiles and I see her start to fall asleep. "I am not a nice person, Able. I can try to be, but even that's hard."

"It's okay... just try. For me."

I wasn't nice to her. I didn't know how to be polite or careful with Sable, I'm only going by what I see other people do. I'll need a little more practice but there wasn't much I could promise. I didn't plan on changing who I am for her, I just wanted to be some semblance of decent.

Moving her damp hair from her forehead I pressed a kiss to the corner of her mouth. She was snoring softly, her body sprawled out in every direction.

Too fucking cute.

Getting up I spent the next thirty minutes saving everything we'd brought today. After classes tomorrow I'll take her shoe shopping and also to one of those panty stores I know women like so much. Turning off all lights I made sure to turn on her fan so her body could cool down throughout the night. I know she gets hot easily.

Moving to leave out through the window I stop when I hear her bed creak. "Paris." She calls.

I moved back towards her bed and sat on the edge. Her brown eyes peered up at me softly. "I thought you were asleep."

"I know you killed Pastor Simmons."

I wasn't shocked. Sable was a bright girl, of course she knew but I expected her to be a little upset. "You know everything, don't you?"

"I guessed and your response just now confirmed it."

I hummed, rubbing my thumb across her cheek. "My smart girl." I praised knowing how flustered she gets when I do. Sure enough she tries to hide herself from me but doesn't get too far when I pin her arms above her head. "He deserved what he got, maybe even worse. The man was sick."

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