Five: Tremors

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Paris Delaney

A waste of time.

A waste of time, breath, and all things humanly functioning. That's what my uncle was. The idiot. He did nothing but waste my fucking time, and then had the nerve to keep a straight face while spouting bullshit.

'What do you need me to do?'

'Seduce and marry Seraphina Armani. Her father is willing and so is she, they will make great alliances with our family. You want to be a king, well you'll need a queen... women tend to keep men from spiraling, they keep things grounded. You need at least eight out of ten hands from the round table— you'll get none if they deem you mentally unstable Paris.'

I couldn't help the deep scowl that permeated my face. The obscenities that left my mouth would've made the devil weep. Fucked up part was that I basically had no choice, of course that wouldn't stop me from not giving a fuck. He could marry Seraphina Armani if that's what he wanted but Paris Delaney didn't believe in such a thing.

Heated, I didn't even continue the conversation after that. I left— now climbing up the side of Sable's house. Silently pushing the window further up I climb in not making a sound.

The soft smell of vanilla fills my nose and a sense of calmness washes over me. Looking over towards the bed I see it's empty. It was a little past eleven, Able should be asleep. Frustrated again I pull my phone from my pocket to get a ping of her location.

I'll admit, Iverson could hack and create almost anything. I forced him to make a chip that I installed in her phone one night while she slept. He didn't ask questions just did as he were told, it wasn't his place that much he knew, still I knew he was just as curious. I didn't know the guy from a hole in the wall, or Asena. They were just there patiently waiting for whenever I asked for something.

They were loyal enough— it's the only reason they're still alive.

The location says she was still at the studio which was impossible. Sable never ruins her schedule, something I liked about her. Unless something happened, I don't see any reason for this thing to be saying anything other than the fact that she was asleep somewhere in this house.

Overthinking and chewing at my cheek, I stuff the phone back in my pocket. I didn't have time to fuck around, the longer I went without seeing her the more irritable I grew. Walking towards the door I twist the knob flinging the door open.

I would search this entire house if I had too.

Sure enough I didn't even have to walk further beyond the doorway.

My eyes move to the smaller figure in front of me.

Her eyes bulge from their sockets as I stare expressionless. I had plans of us not meeting for as long as possible but Silas fucked with my head too much for me to give a fuck anymore. I didn't want to think of another woman besides my girl, I was done hiding behind shadows. I wanted her to know me, to know that I was here... always.

A pink cotton towel was wrapped tightly around her body, water dripping from her hair and hitting the floor. She swallowed before looking around the hallway as if to check and see if anyone else was around.

I expected a scream or at least some trembling.

She did neither.

Cautiously I watched as her small hand came up to my chest applying light pressure. I move backwards allowing her to enter the dark room, closing the door behind her softly. Light breaths being taken made its way to my ears, Sable pressing her back against the door.

She was staring at me and I at her. I was admiring how gorgeous she looked at the moment while I couldn't quite pay attention to how I'd perceive she looked when seeing me.

I took steps closer, shortening the distance between us until I felt the heat of her skin close to mine. Looking down, my hands cupped her cheeks, still feeling the warmth from her shower on her face. Either that or she was flustered.

A small sound, so cute and soft, escaped her lips and finally I felt those tremors.

She was scared.

Mixing with the cold water left on her skin, her warm tears began to pool down her cheeks. My thumbs brushed the translucent liquid away as her hand came up to wrap around my wrist.

I'd never admit it but fuck, I felt sparks throughout my entire body. This was the first time she was actually touching me back. I couldn't help myself, I couldn't help what I was about to do. Pressing her further into the door I see her eyes grow more frantic but I simply shake my head in warning.

Licking my lips I pressed them against her softer ones. A whimper came from her, my hand going around her throat. She kissed me back as best she could— it was cute. The sounds she made as I forced my tongue into her mouth caressing with hers. I applied pressure to both sides of her throat feeling the bite of her nails digging into my biceps.

She was so small compared to me, it was unusually concerning. I've seen girls her age and none were as tiny as her. That made me lessen my affections for the moment. Releasing her lips and her throat, Sable sucked in air struggling to find her rhythm again.

I pepper light kisses down the side of her neck smelling the scent of her flowery body wash. Able held onto me and the way her thighs squeezed together don't go unnoticed. "I—I know you." She mumbled, causing me to hum.

Did she now?

Bringing my face to hers I stare at those watery eyes. "Oh?"

She nods softly. "I draw you... often I draw you."

I had to see this.

Flicking the light beside her head, she squints adjusting to its brightness. Soon a look of awe passes her features, and she pulls that plump lip into her mouth chewing at it. Taking my thumb and pulling it from between her teeth, I see it's already bruised enough from her previous torture.

"I want you to show me." I told her.

Shyly she shuffles from me and around her room. Pulling a dresser open I watch her dig beneath clothes before grabbing a thick drawing tablet. Walking towards her I take it into my hands. "Go get changed. You'll get sick."


"Go Sable." I demanded, seeing her tense. Not questioning the use of her name from me, my girl obediently took her ass into her closet softly shutting the door behind her.

I sat on the edge of her bed opening up the tablet. I didn't have to flip too far— every page was half done or completely finished sketches.

Of me.

Obsidian Hearts: IKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat