Seven: Psychopath

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Sable Rae

I think I'm starting to go crazy.

Nothing about my life has ever made me look over my shoulder or fear that I'll get snatched up by some psychopath. A week had passed since that night and ever since I've been keeping my window locked shut. I make sure all the locks on the front and back door of the house are deadlocked and even set the alarm before going to sleep.


Something I've had trouble accomplishing. I haven't had decent sleep in almost five days. The bags under my eyes prove my point.

"Hellooo earth to Sable. Are you here with me or not?" Cleo asks, snapping her fingers in front of my face.

I blinked, feeling the drag from the weight of my eyes. We were in the library, our teacher had us doing research for some project. I can't say I've done much research with my head being glued to the table an all.

Ms. Park comes to our table and she tilts her head to level with mine. I offer a soft smile seeing her green eyes. They were a stark contrast to his.

Nope, not supposed to be thinking about him. He doesn't exist, he doesn't exist.

"Ms. Rae, why're you drooling on Mrs. Reece's clean tables." She asks, talking about the librarian.

"Sorry... I'm tired."

She sighs petting my head. "Why're you not getting enough rest? Everyday you look more and more tired than the day before."

"Ohhh maybe she's finally gotten a boyfriend and he's keeping her up at night." Cleo loudly speaks, causing a multiple of shushes to be thrown her way. I don't pick my head up, still knowing she's probably flicking those people off.

"Well if that's the case a good boyfriend would let his girlfriend get some sleep. Her education is important and if he wants her to succeed he'd do everything in his power to make sure she was well taken care of." Ms. Park explains. She's still in that honeymoon stage of her marriage so of course she's all sunshine and rainbows.

I sigh, taking that as a subtle warning to get to work or else I'll fail her class. "Thanks for the advice but I don't have a boyfriend. I'm just tired but I'll be sure to get some rest tonight." I lied.

She opened her mouth to reply but the group of boys seated at the table a few spaces down in front of us were making far too much noise— catching her attention in the process. Ms. Park hastily walked that way knowing how harsh Mrs. Reece is about her library rules. She'd kick us out in a heartbeat.

Lazily opening the textbook in front of me I yawned, feeling my eyes water in the process. I dread this afternoon's practice.

"So are you going to tell me what's actually going on or are we just going to pretend that everything's okay with you?" Cleo asks, opening up a fresh pack of lollipops.

She pops the bubble gum flavored stick into her mouth, cringing but sucking it nonetheless.

I shake my head. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Yeah, that's what my mom said when I cornered her about having an affair with our neighbor. Come to find out that lying bitch was actually telling the truth... she was banging the wife instead."

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