Twelve: You Wanted The Truth

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Sable Rae

I sat my computer to the side of me and got up from my bed.

Walking towards the window I unlocked it and pushed it up feeling the bite of coldness from the nights air. "Hey." I smiled lightly. "That was fast."

"I did say the minute. You gonna let me in?"

Moving out his way so that he could climb through, I made sure to shut the window afterwards and close the curtain. I rub at my bare arms feeling the goosebumps spread across my skin.

Paris's hands touch my arms as he presses a chaste kiss to my lips. I look up at him. "Is this how you're going to greet me every-time?"

"Yes. Is that a problem?" He looks at me as if challenging me to say no or to deny him access to kissing me. I couldn't do that. Not after realizing how good it feels to be kissed.

"No, I like it." I shamelessly admit.

Walking over to my bed I climbed back underneath my covers. He came and sat beside me looking over at my computer. "What are you working on?"

"Homework, I was about to start on some physics."

"Can it wait?"

"Well—." I look at the work I don't even feel like doing. I reach and close the laptop not thinking twice about it. "Yea, it can wait."

He smiles at me, genuinely for the first time protruding dimples and all.

Paris grabs the computer and places it onto my nightstand. He then pulled the covers back from my body and pushed me flat against my bed while leaning over me. I'm becoming way too comfortable with the feel of his dark eyes lingering over me.

He was studying me— not like one would normally do but in his own stalkerish way. "You're so beautiful, you know that?"

The words I wanted to use to deny his proclamation get lost as he kisses the skin of my neck. You could see the bruises— I'd washed away any and all makeup once I took my shower.

My mother, being too oblivious and in a hurry to leave, didn't notice the purple marks.

"You're such a good girl already for me." He tells me and my lips part feeling my body heat up. "Are you going to stay that way, Sable Rae?"

I breathed trying to ignore the tingles between my legs. I try and push the two together but he grabs them yanking my thighs apart. Paris comes and climbs between my legs, his body in the way to prevent me from going against his wishes. "Answer me."

Nodding I eye the weird pendant hanging from his neck and in my face. "Yes."

My fingers wrap around the chain pulling him closer to me as my legs wrap around his waist. I wanted to feel that same feeling I'd felt this morning. "Is this okay?"

His eyes grew hooded as he stared at the nonexistent space between us. My nightgown rides above my hips revealing the white lace trimmed panties I wore. His fingers skim the band and I shudder knowing how close he is to my private area.

Paris speaks but in hushed tones. "You know you surprise me a little bit more every day." I don't ask for him to elaborate, he just does. "Who'd have thought that you'd be so willing and so fast at that."

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