Thirty Two: Pretty Little House Wife

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— Seraphina Armani

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Seraphina Armani

I sang loudly as I stirred pancake mix in a bowl.

Dipping my finger in to taste the vanilla, I shrugged, pouring just a tab bit more extract wanting the flavor to be overwhelming. My hips moved in sync with the music playing throughout the kitchen. My body was sensual and I felt sexy, the skimpy little outfit I'm wearing doing little to hide my skin.

Spinning towards the stove I grab onto the handle swirling towards the floor and then back up. Abruptly my music stops, making me halt as well.

From the corner of my eye I see the girl standing too close to me for my liking. She's eyeing me, her arms crossed over her chest.

I decided to play nice. "Good morning, Aspen." I smiled, showing my full set of pearly white teeth.

She turns off the stove that I was letting heat up to finish making breakfast. "It's Asena and what the fuck are you still doing here, I thought we told you to leave three days ago."

I turn the stove back on which causes her eye to twitch. "And I thought I told you that I'm not going anywhere."

"We'll see about that when Paris gets back."

The little nuisance walks around me going to the fridge. I roll my eyes, grabbing the bowl of batter— pouring it into the heated pan. From behind me I hear the other one; the quiet man coming downstairs. I don't have too much of a problem with him other than the fact that he looks at me like he wants to murder me. I think he gives everyone that look though because it seems he can't even stand the twat whose name irked me to the core.

"Good morning Ivy." She greets him. He only nods to her, not even bothering to grunt. It seems today they're playing nice with each other.

I finished up the pancakes, stacking them on a plate. Walking to the dining room, a pep in my step, and a tune to the song from earlier playing in my head, I sat the plate down in the middle of the table. Taking my seat I smiled at Aspen and Ivan who couldn't bother to pay me any attention.

I didn't care. I've tried being nice to these deviants the day of my arrival and all I've gotten is cold showers, turnt up lips, and smart ass remarks.

My anger starts to flair and I stab my fork into the pan of sausage.

Calm yourself Seraphina, you can't murder anyone. You are to be nice. Daddy wants you to play the doting role of a pretty little housewife and you will do just that.

Yes I will.

"So, besides the fact that you're Paris's roommates, what else do you two do?"

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