When she said that, he cried profusely, and he wouldn't stop. His mother tried everything, but all she said only made it worse. She called his father, but she couldn't do anything either. He cried himself to sleep, and when he woke up the next morning, he didn't talk to anyone. He ate his breakfast and went to school; came back home and worked on his projects. He followed this path for some days, and his parents decided to call the therapist. In the beginning they were really reluctant to send their son to a psychologist, but little by little they understood the need for her support.

Friday, when he arrived at his therapist's office, his parents decided to wait for him outside the office. Normally only one of them would come, and leave soon after, coming back only to get him. He understood that they were really worried about him.

"How are you today, Thierry?", Dr. Illiana Laurens asked.

"I'm fine". He said with a monotone voice.

"You don't look fine. Mrs. Bélanger and Mrs. Garnier told me that you've been working a lot, and that you haven't eaten well. That's not being fine".

"I know. But I need to".


"If I tell you, you won't believe me. So what to do?"

"Why wouldn't I believe you?"

He sat, pensively, his hand on his chin.

"I'll tell you. I have nothing to lose. And I'm protected by doctor-patient confidentiality, right?"

"Right". Sometimes Illiana forgets that it's a 9-year-old who is talking, as he uses mature words and speaks of mature contexts.

Thierry told her all his story, even his medical story from his past world. She listened to everything attentively, worried. When he finished, before she could say anything, he said.

"I'm not schizophrenic, nor delusional or paranoid. And if you try to diagnose me as that, I'll leave this door and never come back. You can see the evidence that shows that it's real. No 9-year-old acts as I do, or have the knowledge that I do".

The psychologist tried to act normal in this strange situation.

"And how is that affecting you now?" She asked.

Thierry was surprised by the lack of judgment or questions, and felt welcomed to talk.

"I have a deadline"

"A deadline?"

"Yes. Until I turn eleven".

"Why until then?"

"Because that's when they'll find out I'm an omega. And when they find out they will..." He started to cry and couldn't finish it. Iliana gave him some tissues, and asked.

"You think they'll abandon or abuse you?"

He nodded.


"Because that's what they did in the book. And they love alphas. They want me to be an alpha. I don't know what they will do when I disappoint them".

Iliana didn't know if his story was true or not, and he asked her many times not to tell anyone. But, still, his feelings of fear of being abandoned and his idea that he would be mistreated by his family for being an omega, were valid and were tormenting him to the point of making him depressed and driving him to exhaustion. The therapist called Thierry's parents to talk the next week and scheduled a family session with the whole family.

Everyone in Thierry's family were alpha, so she could imagine the pressure for him to be an alpha too. His parents were both female alphas, and his older brother was recently found out to be an alpha too. They were from a rich family whose money dated back many generations, and that defended the alpha supremacy. Just accepting that their son needed therapy was a hard battle; accepting that the whole family needed therapy would be a war.

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