36- Boyfriend gifts

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"Wa'alaykum Salam, how are you?" he replied.

"I'm fine, alhamdulillah, just tired. How are you?"

"Why are you tired?"

"I'm going to Turkey in a few days, and I've been trying to pack."

"What? Are you trying to be a runaway bride? You didn't tell me you'd be going to Turkey? For wedding shopping, I assume," he rambled, and I chuckled lightly.

"Yes, wedding shopping, Muhammad. I'll be back a week before the wedding, in shaa Allah."

"Okay, I'll send my PA with something for you tomorrow."

"Something like what?"

"A travel essential I needed when I was going to Turkey the last time."

"Oh, okay. Thank you, then."

We discussed for a few more minutes before he ended the call, mentioning that he was going to get back to work. I couldn't help but wonder in this moment if he also called Nadia this regularly....

Sigh that's not what I should be worried about.


Emerging from a crucial meeting with a client, I swiftly made my way to one of our construction sites. The site manager, a reliable individual named David, greeted me with updates on the project's advancements.

"Madam, good to see you. The electrical work is coming along smoothly, and we've got the wiring almost completed," David informed me as I arrived at the construction site.

"That's excellent news, make sure the team pays extra attention to detail. We don't want any issues down the line," I emphasized.

David nodded, "Absolutely, ma. We're double-checking everything. The safety measures are in place too."

"Good, good. How about the overall progress? Any hiccups or delays?" I inquired.

"No major setbacks so far. We're maintaining the schedule. The foundation and framework are solid. We're on track," David assured me.

"Fantastic. Well done, David. I'm proud of what we're achieving here," I commended, glancing around the site.

Exhausted from a long day at work, I returned home to a much-needed moment of rest. As I settled in, a call interrupted the tranquility. It was a lady named Freda, Muhammad's PA, inquiring if I was at home. Intrigued, I confirmed my presence, and she mentioned she had something to deliver. Puzzled but curious, I awaited her arrival, wondering what surprise Muhammad had arranged.

"Hello, I'm outside," Freda informed me over the phone, marking her arrival after 15 minutes. Adjusting my hijab, I stepped out to meet her. "Madam Freda?" I inquired, spotting a lady beside a white Land Cruiser.

"Yes ma, please just call me Freda," she replied shyly.

"Then, please call me A'isha," I insisted.

"Ma, please, I can't," she protested, and I chuckled at her reluctance.

Accepting a sizable Celine shopping bag from her, I expressed my gratitude. I wondered if the travel essential Muhammad mentioned was, in fact, a designer bag. His sense of humor never failed to amuse me, and a hint of curiosity lingered in my thoughts.

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