Chapter 7

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Rose's POV...

I couldn't sleep and I have this deep feeling that I'll never see my apartment again. I sit up in irritation and I turn my head to see a woman and her children huddled up by an abandoned building across the street.

Her boy, who looks to be the oldest, wraps his thin sweater around himself and the little girl next to him. I watch the mother look around before walking over to a trashcan and digging her hands into it. Oh hell no.

"I need to breathe, let me out," I ordered and I heard Jason scoff. I open my backpack and dig my hands in it to grab the item I needed. I can feel both Joey and Jason eyeing me. Without a second thought, I quickly make my way to the other end and swing open the door.

"Rosette, stop fucking with me!" Jason yells and I ignore him and make my way over to the woman who I assume is their mother. As I get closer, I can see that they are dirty and the smell of urine and feces hits my nose with full force.

My heart dropped when the woman quickly left the trash and shielded the two kids away from me. I raise both of my hands and I give her a soft smile.

"I don't come to harm, I just want to help. You see, I am leaving for a long time and I need someone to watch over my apartment without me having to pay a lot of money. It has food, I have some clothes that you might fit, and there are clothes he might fit." I say pointing to the boy.

They both looked at me like they were waiting for me to laugh in their face. I show them the key in my hand and I hold it out to her. She looked at my hand, skepticism was a full-on show. However, she grabs it and nods her head.

"I'm on the eleventh floor and my apartment is 11C. You don't have to worry about ever having to leave, just keep it clean and get these kids into school. I have visa cards up there, but all the food you need until I come back." I say and I see tears in her eyes.

"Th-Thank you miss. We will keep it clean, and... Please let this be real." She says and I give her my biggest smile. I don't care how foolish this is, I'm not going to leave my apartment that Antonio worked so hard to get me. I'll pay it forward, plus, the apartment is paid automatically from one of my numerous cards.

"It's as real as you and me. Now, hurry and get up there. You can use everything up there, my soaps are amazing and my tub has jets." I say enthusiastically while pointing towards my building. Her face is soaked but she smiles through it.

"Thank you!" She says before giving me a bow and pulling the children with her. I smile and turn around to walk back to the limo. However, I'm stopped by a hand grabbing my neck and pulling me forward.

"So you can show strangers kindness but fail to show it to your sister?" Jason growls and my body tingles at the touch. If he's trying to scare me, this is the wrong way to do it.

"Squeeze a little harder and I might be convinced to ride your silent friend." I managed to say through his already tight hold. His eyes darken before he roughly grabs my wrist and drags me back to the limo.

Satisfied with my good deed, I wear my best smile on my face as I scoot my way back to Joey. Once I look up at his face to tell him what I had done, my smile falls. His blue eyes are dark and his jaw is clenched, he's pissed and given the fact he is glaring at me, he's pissed at me.

"You ran off without telling me anything Rose. Are you crazy? What happened last time you did something like that? When if those people have someone ready to mug you? Don't do it again!" He finishes and I can already hear the heavy breathing from how much he probably was freaking out.

"I almost lost my shit. They wouldn't let me out of the fucking limo and I couldn't protect you!" He continued and I could see how much anxiety was building up. He isn't wrong for how he feels, the last time I left to do something... It ended in Joey fighting three guys while I was on the brink of death. He came out victorious but the sight of me had traumatized him.

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