He seems to visibly stiffen before he shakes his head ever so lightly " That's a conversation for another day and one where I'm not this annoyed and pissed at the same time."


" You-"

" I'm only warning you once. If you press the issue I might actually do something to hurt you, I said knock it off." He snaps looking now at me once more with that flare of anger.

I snap my mouth shut looking defiantly back at him, I knew he wasn't joking either apparently the conversation really did set him off. " Fine..sorry." I mumble.

The tension is his body seems to soften as he still looks at me, " Is this the first time you ever actually genuinely apologized to someone?"

" Who said it was genuine?"

The smallest, tiniest hint of a smile appears on his face making me return a bigger one as we look at eachother for a few seconds, I could feel the tension rising, I saw a small quirk his his lip and all I want to do is just feel them against mine once more.

Feel him once more.

 I saw his eyes skipping over mine a few times before his focus was broken my the flapping of wings. He blinks a few times rapidly looking just over the smaller hill seeing 3 dragons appear. " Come on." He says quickly walking once more at a faster pace.

" So, what are you exactly wanting to teach me? I'm sure you have a plan?"

We go up the stairs seeing my dragons make me instantly warm inside forgetting about what happened almost now an hour ago. " I want to see how you and Rhys operate. I've only heard of your lessons, never seen them."

" Heard?"

I chuckles, " You think these people don't talk about how you two seem to pound laps around the rest of them, added with Rhy's dramatic flare?"

There was a low growl making Xaden glance in Rhys direction. " And Andarna needs practice, she can't be in the Vale all the time, she's big enough she needs to learn how to keep up with us and learn that ways of a bonded dragon."

" So.. your just going to..watch us?"

He shakes his head, " No.. I'm going to see how well you can stay on." There was a sinister smile that appears now making the hairs on the back of my neck stand I don't like the sound of that.

He must know I still don't understand because he explains, " In battle you'll most likely be on dragon back. The most common way to kill the enemy is knock them off your dragon or gryphon. Normally, and disable the dragon from getting you so you fall and..splat." He smiles once more.

" So your finally deciding to kill me?"

He shrugs, " Not that lucky. Segyl was the fastest until Rhys decided to show up so we'll be coming after you and.. you'll be coming after me. If you can get me off... twice. Count that was one of the wins to leave you alone."

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